Donovan vs Zangetsu (Darkstalkers vs Bloodstained)

Donovan Baine, the Half-Vampire Darkhunter

Zangetsu, the Cursed Demon Slayer

A curse to many is something that invokes fear and despair, but to these men it drives them to slay the very things that ruined their lives. Which one of these two warriors of the night will come out on top?

Before We Start…

Both characters have appearances across different mediums, be it retellings, alternate timelines, or just different endings within the same game. For the sake of comprehensiveness, this blog will composite both sides to get a full idea of their capabilities.

On Donovan’s end, this includes the main games and their alternate versions, the manga, animated OVA, and the UDON Comics which do take place in the same universe as SF so any SF scaling is legitimate for that run specifically. 

For Zangetsu, he will be receiving all three Bloodstained games (Ritual of the Night and Curse of the Moon 1+2), and any alternate scenarios or versions that appear in those respective games.

Lastly, this will focus primarily on the characters and none of their respective party members or allies. This obviously means none of the playable cast from Curse of the Moon, and no Anita for Donovan. 



“I shall not fall until I have vanquished all of the darkness.”

The world of Darkstalkers isn’t kind to creatures of the dark, and unfortunately for Donovan Baine, he’d be a reflection of that world’s cruelty. Born as a half-man, half-vampire, Donovan’s cursed blood caused both himself and his mother to be outcast by their village. This blood of his would only become more dangerous overtime, and eventually on one fateful day, it awoke within Donovan and killed everyone in his village, mother included. Alone and filled with regret, Donovan would set out to find peace, even spending 10 years practicing Buddhism, but he failed to achieve his goals. His desires would change one fateful day when he would come across a young girl by the name of Anita. Seeing a girl with heartless, joyless eyes the same as himself, Donovan decided from there to save her heart by slaying the creatures of the night: The Darkstalkers.

From there Donovan would eventually find the cursed sword Dhylec within the TIbetan mountains, letting his goal become closer and closer to reality, though not in the way he may have thought. Countless Darkstalkers were slain by Donovan, and yet all it did was make his blood more and more cursed, corrupting his essence more and more. Anita would witness this transformation overtime, and a profound sadness would overcome her, finally breaking through her stoic trance and restoring her emotions. 

What happens to the pair from here is only a mystery. Some say Anita traveled the world while Donovan remained alone battling his darkness. Others claim that Donovan fully became a vampire and would be put down by the young woman. No matter where the two end up, Donovan’s blood always follows, though perhaps there might be a timeline where the duo face the world together, conquering the darkness of the night and themselves. 


“Me? I am your executioner.”

The moon to many might be a beautiful and lovely sight, but to Zangetsu it’s nothing but a reminder of his curse. Years ago, Zangetsu would be inflicted by the curse of the moon, granting him demonic-like traits that would haunt him for the rest of his life. This newfound curse would kickstart a journey that would take Zangetsu around the world, slaughtering demon after demon until none were left. Even after losing his own arm and eye, his journey would not stop, determined to finish his goal. As if fate itself would have it, the demon of the moon itself Gremory would show itself to spread chaos around the land. 

From there, Zangetsu’s journey to slay Gremory would take different paths. Sometimes the journey would lead him to develop new companions to accompany him, while others would lead him to go completely alone and seek nothing but power. In the worst of cases, he would fall to his darkness, forcing others to seek him and destroy him before he became an even bigger threat to the world than Gremory. No matter the timeline or journey, Zangetsu would always be one of the most powerful demon hunters the world would ever know. 

Experience & Skill


During his time as a hunter, Donovan has displayed impressive showings of his martial arts mastery and understanding of his blade. His battles have allowed him to cross paths with all sorts of enemies, be it monsters, robots, aliens, and most commonly the ghost Samurai Bishamon. Despite Bishamon containing the soul of a 600 year old demon who participated in the “age of war”, Donovan consistently managed to get the one up on him in their duels. He’s even managed to trade blows with Akuma himself, who Seth stated to have the greatest store of fighting techniques he had ever seen. 


For over a decade, Zangestu has hunted down several demons, gaining more and more knowledge on how to properly incapacitate them efficiently. He’s studied the use of magic proficiency enough to create seals designed to specifically counter teleportation, as well as utilize talismans to replace his respective eye and arm. As Miriam herself stated, Zangetsu’s skills are prominent enough to defeat her in a heartbeat if he so chooses. Miriam herself is proficient with every weapon in the game, such as swords, spears, whips, and more. 




Donovan’s main weapon, and of the most powerful tools in the Darkstalkers universe. Birthed in the flames that forged the realm of Makai, Dhylec is a living sword with a need to feed. It accomplishes this by draining the blood and soul of those it connects with, growing its already notable strength. This ability to interact with souls can allow Donovan to nullify certain powers, such as when Anita was trapped in a nightmare until her soul was touched by Dhylec. It can shift and alter its appearance to a more monstrous form, or even completely different weapons. Due to a large amount of Darkstalker blood consumed, it has also gained a protection against those forces, preventing those with demon blood from wielding it. 

Prayer Beads

A set of beads designed to help Donovan control Dhylec and not be consumed by it’s wrath. The beads are not just merely restraints, as they can be infused with the energy of the spirits, and even be separated to restrain opponents.

These special energies aside from helping restrain enemies, can also help Donovan launch into the offensive, being able to throw them in the form of a projectile and in case that he needs to defend they can create a small shield to protect Donovan from incoming attacks



Also known as “the moon sunderer,” Zangetsuo serves as the main weapon Zangetsu uses in battle. The sword is considered one of the only things that can defeat the demon Gremory, to the point where the demon avoids Zangetsu in fear of its power. The sword can be enchanted with elemental magic to change its properties, granting its user a variety of attack options at their disposal. Naturally, Zangetsu has developed different sword techniques to maximize the sword's potential. The techniques at his disposal are as follows:

Wild God’s Blade: A powerful sword slash that can cleave demons with ease.

Flying Vajra: A leaping sword slash that covers the vertical area in front of Zangetsu

Eternity: A guard that can stop and deflect attacks

Empty Blade: A rising sword strike that grants Zangetsu vertical momentum.


A series of talismans that provide different benefits to Zangetsu. Beyond vanquishing demons, they serve as a means of replacing his lost limbs, with the wooden prosthetic arm being amplified to move as efficiently as his previous one, and his left eye being designed to sense the auras of the living and dead.

When fighting against enemies, these Ofuda can be spread across a battlefield to create many different effects to trip up an opponent. They can be turned into a shield, be made into a black hole, turned into electrical triggers, or freeze and alter the surface around an opponent


A series of knives that Zangetsu can throw at incredible speeds to clear an area and target an opponent. 

Grappling Hook

A chained grappling hook that allows for Zangetsu to latch on to surfaces without difficulty. 

Ball and Chain

A whip vaguely resembling a Belmont's favorite weapon, Zangetsu can use this to attack targets from long distances. He can upgrade the whip to create explosions on contact, damaging opponents even more. 

Soul Eraser

A sword that is gained as a result of defeating Vepar. As the name implies the weapon can destroy the souls of either good or evil targets alike, with only a true swordsman being able to bring out its full potential. 

Magical Charms

A series of magical items that when thrown can create a dark circle of energy. This can be upgraded to the Void Charms, which create a pillar of energy that covers more of an area.

Demon Essence

A sub-weapon that allows Zangetsu to use the essence of a demon (duh) to power up his Zangetsuo for a brief time. 


One of the strongest swords Zangetsu can wield. The weapon known as Zanmatou focuses the energy of the swordsman wielding it to slay demons while leaving the virtuous unharmed.




The most common way for Donovan to utilize his Dhylec is by telekinetically controlling it from a distance. His telekinesis allows for proper manipulation of the sword’s properties, be it summoning it from a distance, precise slashes to swiftly cut down enemies, or even larger scale attacks that can cut down the tops of buildings. His skill is potent enough that he can engage in hand to hand combat while controlling the sword alongside it.


By using his telekinesis, Donovan can take flight with his sword and travel across the world. When amplified enough, he’s capable of flying into space itself…somehow. 

Most powerful of all however this peculiar way of flying lets Donovan perform one of the most vicious and powerful moves in all of fighting game history…. A footdive

Sword Techniques

Hop Kick: A leaping spin kick that moves in tandem with his sword to deal more damage. 

Summon: After charging the sword briefly, Donovan sends the sword with telekinetic energy to spin back and forth at the enemy like a boomerang. 

Sword Grapple: As the name implies, Donovan grabs the opponent and transforms Dhylec into a different form to damage the opponent.

Slay Shread: By charging the sword with energy, Donovan can control it telekinetically while also being able to engage in hand to hand combat.

Spirit Summon

Within Dhylec are a series of elemental summons that Donovan can summon to assist him within battle. With the spirits of fire, ice, and lighting respectively, Donovan can alter the properties of his weapons to increase their potency and create more situations to overwhelm his opponent.

Of these spirits that aid Donovan in battle he can perform the following special attacks:


By summoning a great thunderous spirit Donovan can summon a powerful lightning bolt from the heavens, this will land whenever his sword is currently stuck as it serves as a makeshift lightning rod, this attack will deal some serious damage to the opponent. 

Ifrit Sword

Calling forth a great Djinn of fire, Donovan allows the spirit to take his sword to deliver a powerful uppercut to scorch the opposition, in game its essentially the tride-and-true “get the fuck off me” shoryuken. When powered up the spirit will uppercut the opponents twice! 

Blizzard Sword

Evoking an icy spirit Donovan is capable of shooting a cold projectile that, when strikes the enemy, will freeze them solid on their tracks, a good and solid projectile. When powered up, the spirit will shoot 3 icicles instead of the usual 1

Lightning Sword

(is that a motherfifing, sons of throttling, piece of strudel’s JOJO REFERENCE????!)

Convening with a flashy lighting spirit, Donovan lets his sword let loose to unleash a quick barrage of electric-infused strikes in true stand-like fashion, a perfect combo tool and flashy up-close attack that is sure to do lots of damage. When powered up it will deal more damage.

Press of Death

Donovan focuses and calls forth the wind spirit, who will activate the legendary King Dragon Foot Stomp to crush the opponent. 



As a demon hunter, Zangetsu is capable of several types of magic to enhance his skills and provide him with many tools to assist himself on the battlefield.

Annihilated Mind

A special magical technique that allows Zangetsu to channel his various weapons with elemental properties to change its effects. He can apply fire, lightning, or ice effects to his weapons, changing the properties of his attacks and dealing more fatal damage to the opponent.

Form of Emptiness

A special dash that allows Zangetsu to phase through attacks while summon pillars of energy through his way. These pillars can damage foes and light them on fire, while also granting Zangetsu a way to punish people behind him due to facing backwards.

Soul Absorption

In Curse of the Moon, after defeating opponents, Zangetsu can absorb their souls and gain new abilities as a result. Extremely powerful souls such as those of Gremory can evolve him into higher states of power. 

Soul Art

In Curse of the Moon by striking down his would be teammates, Zangetsu can end up taking their souls and developing new techniques as a result. The techniques are as follows:

Crescent Moon: By killing Miriam, he can grant his jump slash a wider range.

Blood Moon: Obtained after killing Alfred, Zangetsu gains the ability to double jump.

New Moon: By killing Gebel, Zangetsu is granted a swift dash.

Charged Slash: Shockingly not obtained by killing people, this slash as the name indicates is a powerful slash. When charged even further it can slice things from giant monsters, to even an entire moon.  


By utilizing his talismans, Zangetsu is able to apply a seal that restricts a target to a specific location, shutting down warping techniques in the process. Zangestu would use this to prevent Gremory from leaving, at the cost of being banished into the Underworld.



Change Immortal

For a brief moment, Donovan can tap into his inner vampire to transform and rush the opponent, electrifying them with just a touch.


The state Donovan takes after succumbing to the evil within his blood. In this state, Donovan appears to be a mix between himself and Demitri Maximoff, utilizing both his normal powers and the new ones that are granted from his evil blood. In particular, there are three special moves Dee receives in his transformation.

Breath of Death: A laser beam that fires out from Dee’s brooch to burn the opponent.

Kill Blade: A deadly technique in which Dee turns the Dhylec into a swarm of swords that pierce the opponent. 


Dark Lord

In multiple endings of the Curse of the Moon, Zangetsu will end up absorbing the soul of Gremory and become the Dark Emperor, be it a selfless sacrifice or a selfish rush for power. In this state, Zangetsu gains several new powers such as levitation, creating energy blasts, summon skulls and dragons, and creating a wave of darkness that covers the screen. Most notably, he fuses the Zangetsuo to his body, turning his hand into a scythe that can morph and grow in size to deal devastating damage. 




  • Has slain an uncountable amount of Darkstalkers

  • Defeated Bishamon and freed his soul

  • Has bested Pyron with help from Anita

  • Battled Akuma, Sagat, and Ken and held his own

  • Assisted in Anita gaining her emotions back






  • Defeated powerful demons such as Gremory, Beezelbub, Mephisto, and Sariel

  • Assisted in the destruction of the Bloodstained castle 

  • Defeated Miriam when she fully gave into her dark powers

  • Became a Dark Lord and killed the party of Curse of the Blood Moon






Donovan has fought several characters across the Darkstalkers series, granting him a fairly unique set of scaling. Physically, he’s usually capable of keeping up with Darkstalkers B-Class and below and easily besting Huitzil units. His sword has shown to be greater however, as it has been displayed to harm some of the strongest characters in the series, namely Belial. As the only S+ Class character, Dhylec being able to cut his skin showcases just how powerful it is, and by proxy allows it to scale to other S Class characters in the series.


A group of Pyron’s servants created to scout the planet itself. In most media the cast can easily deal with these robots, and Donovan is no different. Naturally, he should scale to the feats performed by the robots across the series. 

B Class Darkstalkers

As a Darkhunter, Donovan has encountered and clashed with several Darkstalkers throughout the series, thus lending him scaling to many of their feats.

S Class Darkstalkers

On his own, Donovan doesn’t particularly have any notable showings against the pinnacle of the Darkstalkers. This changes however when looking at his weapon Dhylec. Across different mediums we’ve seen the sword permanently kill characters such as Jedah, harm Morrigan (who expressed concern over the blade’s power), and was even hyped by Jedah himself to actually cut the body of the S+ Class Belial. Because of these factors, it’s possible at the very least to argue that the sword can scale to the feats performed by S Class Darkstalkers. 


Donovan has fought Pyron in both the animated and comic continuities, albeit his performance is usually poor without the help of Anita. However, due to his Dhylec scaling to S-Class Darkstalkers such as Demitri and Jedah, by proxy his sword should be able to be on par with the many feats Pyron has performed. 


As the main character of the Curse of the Moon series, Zangetsu effectively gets all of the major feats across the series due to beating the bosses and being a frequent rival to the strongest demons in the series. Even when looking at Ritual of the Night, Zangetsu is noted to be one of the strongest warriors to the point Gremory herself was actively avoiding him in order to continue her plans. 


The main protagonist of Ritual of the Night. Miriam fights Zangetsu multiple times in the story, with the former noting that he was holding back in their respective duels. She even notes that he could’ve beaten her in a heartbeat if he was serious. Naturally, this allows Zangetsu to scale to her feats.


The bosses of the Bloodstained series. Given how Zangestu has beaten all of these bosses, he should scale to their notable accomplishments. 


A demon that presides over the moon itself. Despite her amazing power, Gremory fears Zangetsu’s blade and has been beaten and absorbed in different routes of Bloodstained Curse of the Moon. Naturally, Zangetsu scales to her accomplishments. 



Donovan’s blood is cursed, and should the evil energies be too rampant, he will be unable to wield Dhylec (at least in base form). The sword can also be stolen or taken from him should a similar force of violence and bloodshed connect with it, such as the Satsui No Hado. 

His negative traits become even worse once he becomes Dee, losing his memories properly and possibly needing to shield himself from sunlight similar to Demitri. His need to feast and consume the blood of others becomes more rampant, causing his sanity to completely vanish without the help of Anita to bring him back.


Zangetsu in spite of his talents can only use a set of magic for so long, forcing it to refill overtime should he overuse it. This also prevents him from spamming and using his sub-weapons ad nauseum, forcing him to be careful with his decision making. He also has seemingly no escape from any kind of BFR, as Gremory was able to pull him into the Underworld for the rest of Ritual of the Night.

Before the Verdicts

Huitzils MFTL?

“You're a fraud Death Battle!"

If you remember from the famous Death Battle episode Saberwulf vs Jon Tailbain, they mentioned a feat where the Huitzils travel across millions of light years in a “short time.” What this is referring to is the ending where the Huitzil seemingly flies from Hellstorm to Earth in less than 24 hours, which would be 200 million light years from Earth. Should be simple enough right?

Weeeeell there’s a problem with that feat. The entirety of Darkstalkers 1+2 specifically takes place on Earth. Pyron’s shrunken form is specifically to match that of Earth. The final battle doesn’t actually take place on the planet Hellstorm but in some area that invokes the same tone as the original place. It’s impressive, but not something that’d be MFTL.



When you look at things on the surface, it doesn’t seem like there’s much of a competition to be had. Physically, Donovan mostly scales to the B class Darkstalkers crew, who’s most notable feat comes from Anakaris sinking the entire country of Egypt into the ground. By all means this is impressive and nothing to scoff at, but uh….Zangetsu cut the moon. Even if we just ignore that obvious feat for whatever reason, most of the bosses in the series display feats way above what Anakaris did, such as Andrealphus’s storm or Gremory literally stealing the moon. From top to bottom, Zangetsu is physically stronger here. 

That all changes when we look into Dhylec however. Through statements and showings, we do see it consistently manages to harm the S-Class and above Darkstalkers, such as killing Jedah and being able to cut Belial’s skin. Jedah creating the Majigen alone outclasses anything we’ve seen Zangetsu do physically, namely through creating an entire dimension that houses entire stars within. It was even able to suck in and absorb Pyron himself, who controls an orbital path of 400,000 light years, which is twice the size of our Milky Way. Donovan may not be able to cut through Zangetsu, but Dhylec can certainly do the job.

That only leaves speed, which may be the most important factor here for both characters. When looking at the Darkstalkers side of things, the most blatant showing comes from the Huitzil’s being able to fly into space in seconds. Certainly impressive, but that only leaves one avenue for higher speed stats, that being Jon’s statement of obtaining lightspeed. While Jon isn’t a liar or would have any reason to be super distrustful, he also doesn’t display any feats to indicate he’s this fast, and “obtain” implies that he cannot reach those speeds on a consistent basis. Comparatively, the boss known as Blithe has both statements and showings of being able to move at speeds faster than light, and depending on your interpretation of his future selves clashing, can possibly break into those coveted “infinite” levels of speed. Even with the Jon statement taken into account, Blithe just being outright “faster than light” puts Zangetsu above in the speed category compared to what Donovan is packing.

Ultimately, despite Dhylec being a weapon that could easily deal the killing blow on Zangetsu, the speed difference between the two is just too notable for it to come into effect, leaving Zangetsu to take the stat category overall. 

Arsenal & Abilities

It’s no secret that Dhylec is an extremely versatile weapon that on its own can trump most of the sub-weapons Zangetsu brings to the table. Its telekinetic properties allow Donovan to strike at multiple different ranges and angles, and also grants him the ability of flight, letting him control the battlefield on a greater level. It’s soul sucking and blood draining properties would easily fuck up Zangetsu on hit, and the shape shifting properties make it much harder to deal with in any given clash. If that wasn’t enough, the various elemental spirits Donovan has inside can manipulate the battlefield with their various elements of fire, ice, thunder, etc. Combined with Donovan’s AOE reaching as large as a castle, his methods of getting his killing blow are nothing to scoff at.

That’s not to count Zangetsu out however, as his Ofuda and magic certainly help make up the difference his sub weapons could not. The elemental properties of Dhylec are canceled out by Annihilated Mind’s ability to channel the same kind of elements. Zangetsu can not only apply them to his sword, but his Ofuda as well, which grants him as many killing blow options as Donovan. Whether it’s creating black holes, explosions, or summoning lightning across the battlefield, Zangetsu’s options are just as varied and just as deadly compared to Dhylec. His ability to phase through attacks with Form of Emptiness also grants him a few ways to avoid danger should it ever permit. Finally, while his charged slash requires time to well…charge, it’s effects are very very devastating, reaching as far as an entire moon. If given the time, even a smaller charge would be able to hit Donovan across the battlefield. 

So base to base these two have plenty of ways to gain their deadly killing blows right? Unique sword properties, AOE, weapon variety, and then some. It could go either way!

And then you factor in the Dark Lord and well…yeah it ain’t looking good for Dee over there. 

To make this blunt, Dark Lord Zangetsu is a much better upgrade by comparison. He basically gains multiple different forms of AOE and attacks, can levitate, paralyze his foes, and has a giant shape shifting scythe. Dee doesn’t nearly have the same upgrades and when it comes to getting that vital hit in…well it’s landing a blow with the sword VS literally any attack Zangetsu does. That chance was already notable in base form, but Dark Lord just makes it way way way easier for Zangetsu to get that hit in, especially given how his boss fight\ starts by just straight up paralyzing the opponent.

As a general summary, Donovan and Zangetsu base to base both have notable and strong tools to get the fatal blow in, but once their darker forms come in it tips pretty badly into Zangetsu’s favor. The sheer quantity of options is just too much for good ol Dee, and when all he needs is really one good hit in, it’s hard to imagine the half-vampire lasting very long. 

Tertiary Factors

Neither Donovan or Zangetsu on their own have explicit and clear cut skill statements, leaving only their accomplishments against others to compare. Both have fought characters skilled in combat, but Donovan being able to keep up with Akuma in the UDON comics is a more notable feat compared to what Zangetsu has displayed in his lineup. Akuma on his own is noted to have the greatest set of techniques Seth had ever seen, which given Ryu could analyze multiple different martial arts styles to improve his own, should be a testament to what Donovan can do.

These fights also highlight how Donovan can take a beating and keep going against way stronger foes notably well. Zangetsu hasn’t displayed a lot of showings of being pushed particularly far, either holding back or beating his foes handily. By comparison, Donovan has taken severe beatings from people like Pyron and has been stabbed by multiple different sources, yet continued to push forward or never even express any pain. Suffice to say, Donovan knows how to take a hit no matter how tough the challenge is.

In spite of his accomplishments across the games, Zangetsu’s skill and sheer pain tolerance doesn’t quite match up to what Donovan has displayed in his media. 



"There will come a time where I need to leave to battle my own demons, but now is not that time. As long as you need me, I’ll be here for you."


  • Dhylec is stronger than anything Zangetsu has

  • Large amount of variety via telekinesis and elemental sprits

  • More skilled and better pain tolerance

  • Better AOE for the most part…

  • The Capcom Fighting Collection has Darkstalkers go play it


  • Weaker physically than Zangetsu

  • Slower

  • Variety gets outclassed by Dark Lord Zangetsu

  • …but loses said AOE with Zangetu’s charged slash

  • Darkstalkers 4 was confirmed to be fucking canceled when this blog was made I can’t


"He is the man who rent demons asunder, cleaved the moon in twain, and severed the cursed chains. That man, Zangetsu"


  • Physically stronger overall

  • Faster

  • More variety and tools with Dark Lord

  • Charged Slash has a greater AOE than any of Donovan’s attacks

  • Bloodstained is great go play it


  • Dhylec can easily kill him 

  • Less variety in base form

  • Less experienced and skilled

  • Mostly inferior AOE without Charged Slash

  • It’ll take a million years for a sequel

Both of these demon hunters are by no means weak, but only Zangetsu had the necessary tools to make the victory necessary. Despite the pain tolerance Donovan has displayed, he ultimately has no way to effectively land the killing blow due to his notable speed disadvantage and lack of options compared to what Zangetsu has at his peaks. These options only make that killing blow way easier for Zangetsu given his vastly superior strength overall, effectively giving Zangetsu many options to finish the fight, whereas Donovan ultimately only has one method of gaining the kill. It’s a terrible day to have a curse, but for Donovan that day will just so happen to be his last. 

Special thanks to Ani for assisting in a fair amount of the parts for this blog, especially the scaling images provided. I also give thanks to the calcs performed on VBW that made up a good chunk of the scaling sections. Lastly, I thank Flip for making what you will witness down below.

Next Time…


  1. Isn't there a feat of the fish dude in darkstalkers survive the explosion caused by pyron


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