BlackWarGreymon vs Jeanne d'Arc Alter (Digimon vs Fate)

BlackWarGreymon, the Black Dragon Warrior of the Digital World, and a dark counterpart to WarGreymon made by the Dark Towers.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter, the Dark Dragon Witch of Orleans, and an accursed reimagining of Jeanne d’Arc made by the Holy Grail.

Some say a parody is the highest form of flattery. But a parody is merely an imitation, a copy. But when you’re these two artificial beings created in the likeness of a bright hero, a parody alone cannot describe them. Cloaked in black and having a much more vicious personality than their origin, these two will burn down anything and anyone who dares gets in their way.

When these two black-wrapped anti-heroes face each other in an all-out war, who will emerge victorious? Will the Black Dragon Warrior shred Jeanne d’Arc Alter? Or will the Dark Dragon Witch dominate BlackWargreymon? We will find out in this Death Battle Prediction!

Before We Start…

When it comes to Digimon, there is a lot of information to sift through. This blog mainly serves to give more abridged details in terms of lore abilities and such without being too wordy while getting the point across (basically a TL;DR). However, for those who would like to look at things with a bit more detail and a few extra scans, please read the following blogs.

As for Jeanne Alter, while there are a massive number of entries, she only ever appears in Fate/Grand Order which means the feats and scaling will mostly be centered around this entry. Other entries that are closely related to it such as Samurai Remnant and Apocrypha to some extent will be superficially discussed. In addition, for getting a full grasp at how impressive some cosmological feats are, read this blog:



“I will take orders from no one. Why should I take orders from you, when you are so weak you need me to do your fighting for you? I must find a worthy opponent..”

Created by Arukenimon after combining 100 Dark Towers (Or Control Spires in the dub) in order to finally put an end to the digidestined, BlackWarGreymon was created to be a weapon of destruction to be used by the forces of Darkness. However, BlackWarGreymon was not the mindless beast Arukenimon expected as due to combining so many towers, the Dragon Man Digimon was born with a consciousness. This consciousness would give birth to a being who only respected strength and saw his creator as weak, causing him to ignore her requests for aid.

This consciousness also gave birth to a tormented soul looking for purpose in this world. During his journey of self discovery he encountered Agumon, the partner of Taichi Yagami who would aid him in finding his purpose and answering his questions. However, right before he would be converted to Agumon’s way of thinking, he was hit with sudden pain. Determined to quell it, BlackWarGreymon flew off in order to destroy the source, said source being one of the many Holy Stones that regulates the boundaries between the Digital and Human Worlds. This would lead him into his first conflict with the Digidestined as well as destroying the Holy Stone, essentially doing what Arukenimon wanted him to do in the first place.

BlackWarGreymon did not merely stop at one Holy Stone however, he made it a mission to destroy all of them. Eventually he caught a glimpse of Azulongmon, one of the Four Holy Beasts who maintain the balance of the Digital World and declared him as the worthy opponent he had been searching for. He eventually encountered Azulongmon directly when the Digidestined accidentally activated one of the Holy Stones, summoning him. BlackWarGreymon attempted to fight him, but was quickly subdued in his weakened state by the god. However, while he could not fight the dragon god, Azulongmon was willing to tell BlackWarGreymon about his origins and also teach him that things in life have a purpose and that it was up to BlackWarGreymon himself to find said purpose. BlackWarGreymon took this to heart and his rage was qwelled. Afterwards, BlackWarGreymon left to discover what his true purpose was.

After awhile BlackWarGreymon became someone who wanted to protect the balance between both the Digital and Human Worlds and left for the Human World to eliminate Yukio Oikawa who was disrupting said balance. This unfortunately led to a battle between him, Agumon (now WarGreymon) and Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode where BlackWarGreymon was bested. Afterwards being convinced to allow Oikawa to live and to enjoy life’s pleasures. Sometime later, BlackWarGreymon in an attempt to protect the father one of the Digidestined, took a dark blast from Oikawa now possessed by Myotismon, proving that Oikawa was a unwilling puppet in the vampire king’s plan. Unfortunately, this attack would be a mortal blow and with the last of his strength, BlackWarGreymon would sacrifice his life to seal the gate to the Digital World to trap Myotismon in the human world where the Digidestined could best him. At the end of his life, BlackWarGreymon found the purpose he sought after for so long and died as a hero, instrumental to the defeat of Myotismon.

Jeanne Alter

“Servant, Avenger. Summoned upon your request....What's with that look? Come on, here's the contract.”

As a result of the “King of Mages”’ plan for the Incineration of Humanity, or the Human Order (basically all of human history and its possibilities), singularities were generated in several places in time with one of these particular places being during France’s 100 Years War right after the death of Jeanne d’Arc, one of the world’s most renowned saints. By mere chance, her camarade Gilles de Rais summoned in his Fate/Zero Caster form got his hands on the catalyst of this time period’s singularity, the Holy Grail. His wish was always to resurrect his beloved saint -for misguided reasons though-, but this was proven to be impossible even for the omnipotent Holy Grail. As such, Gilles decided to make his own copy of Jeanne. This copy of Jeanne harbored extreme hatred and resentment for the country that ‘burned her at the stake’, but also kept the original Jeanne’s kind heart as Gilles thought that was the core characteristic of hers. Her name was Jeanne d’Arc Alter (hereinafter referred to as Jalter), and after her creation, she would take it upon herself to seek retribution on the people that ‘forsook’ her. With her new ability to summon and control dragons, Jalter the ‘Dragon Witch’ wreaked havoc across the land and tried to gaslight everyone into believing she was the original Jeanne. 

Ultimately, both of these would be thwarted at the hands of Chaldea and the original Jeanne d’Arc. But things wouldn’t end this way for Jalter. Given she exists as a dream -a fictional being- she could not physically exist, especially since she is essentially a ‘side of Jeanne that cannot exist’. Across different summons and encounters with a goth Arthurian King, she came to the resolution that she wanted to physically exist and leave a mark in the world and the master’s life. Through different machinations, she turned Jeanne's wish of ‘not wanting a dark side inside-out’ and cemented her existence from the darkness that festered. Thus after cementing her physical existence as an Avenger under Chaldea, she would be one of many Servants to go on adventures in Chaldea.

Experience & Skill


Despite not really being around for too long, BlackWarGreymon immediately showed himself as a skilled and dangerous combatant. He has shown the abilities to fight multiple Digidestined at once, the same Digidestined that have gone head to head with foes such as the Dark Masters, Myotismon and Devimon alongside various other Perfect and Mega Digimon. On top of that he’s capable of fighting a 2v1 against both WarGreymon and Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, two beings who are on par with him as well as fight WarGreymon and overwhelm him in a 1v1. 

Jeanne Alter

Servants are timeless entities who draw knowledge and experience from their true selves as Heroic Spirits in the Throne of Heroes, so technically Servants aren’t around for very long since they are usually summoned for the purposes of a Holy Grail War. Jalter in particular is a unique Servant in that she is born directly from a wish on the Holy Grail. Still, she’s been around in Chaldea a lot, so she has experiences fighting against different Servants. She’s fought against Demon Pillar Gods in the Solomon Singularity alongside her fellow Extra Class Servants, fought the likes of Saber Alter, and she’s even participated in one of the Remnant Singularities, namely Shinjuku, where she fought the likes of Moriarty and Hessian Lobo.



Dramon Destroyers

Like his Vaccine counterpart WarGreymon, BlackWarGreymon possesses the Dramon Destroyers as his primary weapon. These clawed gauntlets are extremely effective against dragons or foes with any sort of dragon data or DNA within them.

Brave Shield

Like WarGreymon, the “wings” on BlackWarGreymon’s back are actually the two halves of his “Brave Shield” which can be combined to create a shield to deflect any attack that comes his way.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter

La Grondement Du Haine

The main Noble Phantasm wielded by Jalter. It is a cursed flag that has a spear tip, and is her primary weapon in combat. Like her counterpart Jeanne’s Noble Phantasm–Luminosité Eternelle–it is capable of stopping attacks in the same way. However, La Grondement Du Haine is also capable of absorbing said attacks, before then firing it back, making it a more offensive option than her counterpart’s Noble Phantasm. Noble Phantasms can also be “activated”, usually by invoking its True Name, La Grondement Du Haine. She can also use this to stab and slash her enemies. She even uses this to direct dragon summons. The flag also channels the flames of a dragon, as she uses various flame-based attacks using this weapon in her attack animations.

Sword of St. Catherine(?)

An unnamed sword forged with what seems to be black metal and looks like Jeanne’s Sword of St. Catherine. Jalter can use it to slash at her enemies should she please, though other than it likely being enhanced by her natural magical prowess as a Servant, it has nothing out of the ordinary.



Digimon Physiology

Digimon being Digital Monsters have a physiology very unique to most living things. While the Reference mentions things such as a “brain” or “blood”, we know that these terms are referring to the various data that exists within a Digimon’s body. All aspects of a Digimon stems from its Digicore. This core carries all the data within a Digimon from its body (wireframe and textures), to it’s powers, to its mind and soul. Without a Digicore, a Digimon cannot survive outside of very specific circumstances. Digimon also have various abilities and resistances that come with simply being a Digimon as well.



Like many Digimon of his level, BlackWarGreymon can fly in the air without the need for wings as he can remain airborn even while holding his Brave Shield directly.

Spatial Distortion

Due to BlackWarGreymon’s power he passively created many spatial distortions within the Digital World and Human World.

Dark Gaia Force

BlackWarGreymon’s signature ability where he gathers negative energy within the world and condenses it into one giant red energy ball and launches it at the opponent. Due to being a darkness elemental attack, this skill is extremely powerful against light or holy elemental beings. In Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, this skills has the added bonus of boosting BlackWarGreymon’s defense stat by 20%.

Black Tornado

Another move the black dragon warrior shares with normal WarGreymon. By spinning rapidly BlackWarGreymon turns himself into a near unstoppable drill that can pierce through nearly anything. Due to the Dramon Destroyers being at the forefront of this skill, this is especially deadly to other dragons. As shown in games such as Cyber Sleuth, this ability does have a piercing effect when it comes to durability.

Fire Manipulation

As a member of the Greymon species, BlackWarGreymon has the ability to manipulate the element of fire and can use it to perform a variety of flame based attacks.

  • Fire Tower - Attack that results in a pillar of flame erupting at the target's feet.

  • Burning Heart - Enflames the hearts of allies, boosting their strength.

  • Magma Bomb - Rains bolts of lava from the sky, dealing enemies much damage.

  • Meteor Fall: Drops a large flaming meteor to attack his enemies.

  • Mega Meteo Fall: Drops multiple meteors the devastate the battlefield.

Darkness Manipulation

The BlackWarGreymon species has a natural affinity for the element of darkness alongside fire and can use Darkness based attacks to inflict various statuses on opponents.

  • Dark Spirit - Shoots a ball of darkness at enemies.

  • Blackout - Brings forth a dark mist to the surroundings, dealing damage to enemies. This skills also has a chance to inflict the confusion status.

  • Nightmare - Brings forth an eye of darkness, whose stare deals damage, from above the victim's head. This skill has a chance to inflict the rage status.

  • Chaos Cloud - Attacks enemies in front with dark energy. Has a chance to inflict the confusion status.

  • Shadow Fall - Drops bolts of dark energy down on the target's head.

  • Hide and Seek - Attacks a wide range of enemies with a dark fear that turns enemy anger to allied Digimon. Those inflicted with the Unjustified status from this skill will also have their damage output halved.

  • Evil Squall - Brings forth powerful dark energy, dealing much damage to a wide range of enemies. This skill can inflict the slow status reducing the speed of those hit.

  • Darkness Zone: A darkness based attack that causes opponents in range to despair within darkness, damaging them. Note: This move shares the name of Apocalymon’s signature ability, but Digimon World DS is pretty liberal with giving Digimon the signature skills of other Digimon as base abilities. However, due to Apocalymon not being in this game, we cannot confirm that this is the same skill Apocalymon uses.

Power of Darkness

As a Digimon born of the Dark Towers, BlackWarGreymon has a closer affinity to darkness even compared to other members of his species. All Digimon are capable of utilizing this dark power, however very few outside of Dark Digimon tend to actually focus around it. The Power of Darkness grants multiple different powers. (See “Before the Verdicts for BlackWarGreymon’s usage of it). These powers are as follows;

  • Darkness Manipulation - Can manipulate the element of darkness.

  • Unholy Manipulation - As the opposite of Light which encompasses Holy powers and Digimon of Darkness are mainly represented by Demon Beast, Undead and Fallen Angel type Digimon.

  • Death Manipulation and Existence Erasure - Darkness is representative of nothingness in Digimon which also includes the concept of death in the Digital World. Things covered within Darkness end up being reduced to nothingness.

  • Empathic Manipulation and Empowerment - The Power of Darkness feeds off of negative emotions which can open an avenue for empowering those emotions, controlling someone with those emotions or strengthening oneself with negative emotions.

  • Poison Manipulation - The Power of Darkness can create a poisonous miasma.


All Digimon are capable of rewriting their own data to not only display certain emotions, but to also react to certain predicaments and adapt to them. This will allow for Digimon to gain new skills or resistances while also increasing their physical capabilities. However, if the overwrite is too violent, there are many negative consequences that can occur including the possibility of the Digimon’s death. This is the main reason as to why the Ancient species Digimon went extinct.

Misc Skills

  • War Cry - Threatens and damages surrounding enemies with a powerful bellow. This can inflict rage.

  • Fighting Aura - Deals damage to a wide range of enemies with an explosion of fighting spirit. This increases BlackWarGreymon’s attack power.

  • Mach Rush: Attacks the opponent with multiple strikes at blinding speed.

  • Guard Charge Field: Boosts the physical defense of BlackWarGreymon and his allies by 10%. Can stack.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter

Servant Physiology

Servants in the Nasuverse are summoned avatars of Heroic Spirits, legendary figures from history, mythology, or even the future. Servants are not living beings in the conventional sense. These beings have transcended time and space and exist in a higher realm known as the Throne of Heroes. When summoned as Servants, they are recreated in physical form by the Holy Grail.

Jalter is a unique case, since she is technically not a true Heroic Spirit recorded in the Throne of Heroes, but is moreso an artificial creation of the Holy Grail. Still, as she was summoned and formed from the Holy Grail, she still functions the same as a regular Servant.

Each and every Servant are all unique and distinct, but they all share (with a few exceptions) the same general physiology. Most Servants share these general characteristics and abilities:

Class Skills

Avenger (Rank B)

It is a skill representing the state of an Avenger as one that gathers people’s hatred and grudges onto oneself, making it easier for the user to accumulate hatred and resentment. With this skill, mana is generated faster when receiving damage. This resentment of hers marginally increased after the Orleans Singularity where she made her debut.

Oblivion Correction (Rank A)

This is a skill that makes it so her hatred -which isn’t even entirely hers- never goes away. People often forget things over the course of time, but an Avenger will never forget and in Jalter’s case, she will never forget those feelings of hatred and resentment no matter how much time passes. Even if she experiences other emotions and other things than her hatred, she will never forget.

Self-Replenishment (Mana) (Rank A+)

Avenger Class’ last skills where an Avenger’s own supply increases endlessly until they attain their revenge. The justification for her higher A+ ranking is because her existence is essentially a wish from the Holy Grail. Useful for regenerating the od to unleash her Noble Phantasm.

Personal Skills

Self-Modification (Rank EX)

This is the aptitude to remold one's own body or merge one's own flesh with body parts of others. The higher the ranking in this Skill, the further away one is from being a proper hero. And in Jalter’s case, the EX rank is due to this remodeling being a special grade one done by the Holy Grail completely inverting the Saint, making her fall into the Chaotic Evil alignment.

Dragon Witch (Rank EX)

Having been produced by Gilles' wishes, Jalter possesses from the moment of her conception the power to manipulate the Dragon Kind. This is believed to be an inverse phenomenon from Saints possessing anecdotes of repelling the Dragon Kind, such as Martha or maybe Georgios. This grants her an unique Charisma that makes dragons obey her, and a power that raises the attack power of the party. Lower-class dragonkin can be placed under her control and are able to be manipulated with a single swing of her flag. Simultaneously, it also serves as a non-standard Riding Skill, making it even possible for her to ride dragons through the acquisition of this Skill. Her affinity to being a dragon witch is so powerful she can even summon and control Fafnir, the most powerful of the Dragonkin.

Ephemeral Dream (Rank A → EX)

This is a Skill that represents a lifeform born from illusions because of an individual’s desire. Because she was born from Gilles’ desire, she possesses a powerful force, but at the same time, she is not allowed to exist permanently. After everything -her adventures with her master- is finished, she will quietly start her slumber and return to being a mere dream.

‘Really depressing end for Jalty’ Mikha’el

Noble Phantasm

La Grondement Du Haine (Rank: A+ → EX)

The cursed flag possessed by Jeanne who descended as the Dragon Witch. Just like her original counterpart Jeanne’s Luminosite Eternelle, it stops the enemy’s attack. However, this Noble Phantasm also swells up that attack, before reflecting it back. Its power will increase even more if her allies and the likes (like her Wyverns and other dragonkin) die. Then, whether it is a slashing attack, a striking attack, or on top of that, a hit by means of a curse, all of it will be converted into an Anti-Army physical attack when they are halted by the Noble Phantasm. The flag can release flames with performance resembling a first-rate Dragon’s breath. Under the name of an Avenger, Jalter kindles the flames and transforms the grudges from herself and the surroundings into magical energy, burning the opponents' injustice, corruption and self-righteousness up to the marrow of their bones to ashes. In addition, the stake made an impression on her. She says, “I was attached to… uh, something jagged… and made of steel, and a harsh impression of it remains with me!”. This impression allows her to create these stakes in her image for her own use as shown at the end of the Noble Phantasm.



The ultimate dragon that she can summon at any time and even has summoned numerous times in the times she’s fought Fujimaru Ritsuka and the original Jeanne d’Arc. It is more accurate to say that Fafnir is a series of dragons brought about by the Evil Dragon Phenomenon which converts anyone with excessive amounts of greed into dragons. This potentially contextualises the fact that both Sigurd and Siegfried (two different independent Heroic Spirits from different source materials) have killed it and obtained two different aspects of said dragon- Siegfried obtaining its ‘armor/skin’ which made him invincible to any damage by showering in its blood, and Sigurd obtaining its wisdom by eating its heart. Given the lore behind dragons, Fafnir could be considered to be closer to a concept than an actual living physical creature. In addition, this dragon bolsters a form of immortality and regeneration as it revived after Siegfried defeated them in Orleans but not fully destroyed him. Not to mention its firebreath can clash with the dragon-slaying demon/holy sword hybrid Balmung, showing that this dragon is far from hopeless against any anti-dragon attacks. In Fate/Apocrypha, Sieg after becoming one of these dragons also got the ability to travel to the Reverse Side of the World by flying there.




While it won’t be used for this analysis (See Before the Verdict), the X-Antibody is a program that were created by many Digimon who were trying to adapt to and survive Yggdrasil’s X-Program/Particle Worm. This program’s mission was to systematically delete (erase) every Digimon in the Old Digital World. By altering their Digicores, many Digimon developed the X-Antibody, allowing them to resist the X-Program and its stronger variations effects. Digimon are able to kill an X-Antibody holder to take the X-Antibody into themselves to unlock the hidden power within their Digicore, essentially reaching their full potential. The X-Antibody also grants holders resistances to the Existence Erasure and Power Nullification abilities of the X-Program.

BlackWarGreymon notably doesn’t gain any real new abilities and instead merged his Brave Shield’s toughness into his Dramon Destroyers. He also gains a vernier on his back to give him accelerated flight. Overall it mainly serves as a strength upgrage and a cool appearance change for him.

Jeanne Alter

Summer Spirit Origin

After seeing that Jeanne (Ruler) had a swimsuit of her own, Jalter researched and pulled an all nighter after finding out Chadlea was heading to Hawaii, making the creation of this swimsuit. While looking like a normal swimsuit for many, the swimsuit spirit origin gives the servant a class change as such she becomes a Berserker, with an interest in German. With this class change she now uses her swords than her cursed flag, and added with her own purple flames. While she retains most of her power, she has most notably fought Mysterious Heroine XX in this form. In this swimsuit spirit origin, she gain new skills and a new noble phantasm such as:

Mad Enchantment (Rank: EX)

The trademark skill for a Berserker, the Mad Enchantment. The Mad Enchantment gives you a tremendous boost in physical capabilities with the trade of sense of reasoning or thoughts. While not all Berserkers are mindless, they’re usually hard to control as Mad Enchantment can seal skills and even Noble Phantasms. For Jalter…her love of making manga is what makes her insane.

Schwarzwald Falke (B Rank)

The word translated means Falcon of the Black Forest or Black Forest Falcon, this doesn’t really mean anything as Jalter just thinks the name sounds cool.

Fallen Witch (A+ Rank)

Same as the Dragon Witch skill from her Avenger form, but changed due to being a Berserker.

Meurs Où tu Dois (EX Rank)

The actual translated version: “Va où tu peux, meurs où tu dois.” which means “Go the place you must go, die at the place you must die.”, a French proverb. An Avenger looking for a place to die, not a pleasant or gentle one mind you. Jalter fights, hoping she will get a satisfactory end. ...Sheesh.

Völkermord Feuerdrache

Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-20
Maximum Number of Targets: 10 people

To be the opposite of Jeanne where she uses the ocean, Jalter uses the mountain: the water and the fire. Jalter, using her abilities as a former dragon witch, sends out multiple fiery black dragon heads to gnaw and chomp on the victim, ending it with a slash of her sword, cutting them horizontally in half.




  • One of the strongest characters in the original Digimon Adventure dualogy.

  • Proved to be a threat to both the Digital Worlds and Human Worlds at large.

  • A being who surpassed the gods (Four Holy Beasts).

  • Fought many of the digidestined Digimon and came out victorious more times than not.

  • Died a hero after sacrificing his life in order to save the world he was originally created to destroy.




Jeanne d’Arc Alter


  • Destroyed most of France during the 100 Years War, taming even Fafnir the ultimate dragon and summoning many Servants.

  • Trained in limbo to become a Servant.

  • Orchestrated a plan to manipulate her original self into wishing her into existence, a feat which is normally impossible due to Jeanne being a Saint.

  • Assisted the Master of Chaldea, Fujimaru Ritsuka, many times in their adventures such as against Goetia’s Demon God Pillars and thwarting James Moriarty’s plan to destroy the Earth.

  • … Became an actual weeb and won ServantFes, a manga writing competition.

  • In her younger form, became Santa!







Tai Yagami’s Digimon partner, BlackWarGreymon’s vaccine counterpart and someone he fights on even grounds within the series.


The fused partner of Daisuke Motomiya and Ken Ichijouji. The strongest Digimon on the side of the Adventure 02 Digidestined who BlackWarGreymon fights within the series.

Digi Destined

As someone who went against them as an antagonist multiple times, BlackWarGreymon would scale to and above their feats as he was only able to be matched by the likes of Imperialdramon FIghter Mode and WarGreymon.

Four Holy Beasts

The main gods that are relevant in the original Digimon Adventure dualogy. Many high tiers in Adventure have statements or feats putting them on the level of these four gods.

Three Great Angels

A group of 3 Angel Digimon that look over the Digital World from the Kernel (center of the Digital World and Yggdrasil’s Domain). There are statements confirming that the Cherubimon present within the Hurricane Touchdown movie was in fact one of the 3 Archangels.

Dark Masters

The main villains of the original Adventure series, due to WarGreymon and the 4 Holy Beasts, BlackWarGreymon should solidly scale to them.


The leader and creator of the Dark Masters and the final villain of the original Digimon Adventure. Due to WarGreymon and the original digidestined, BlackWarGreymon would solidly scale to the cast being able to damage and destroy parts of his body.

Misc Digimon Feats

As a particularly strong Mega Digimon, BlackWarGreymon should effortlessly scale far above your average Perfect level or even Mega Digimon.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter

Jeanne d’Arc

Jalter has contested with her original counterpart several times in the past, which means she can scale to the feats she has pulled off as well in Grand Order and Apocrypha. Some of the most noteworthy of the bunch:

Chaldea Servants

Due to being summoned by Chaldea and her appearing in so many events in Fate/Grand Order, Jalter has fought and contended with many servants throughout the time she has summoned such as being in the final fight against Goetia, Shinjuku and Ordeal Call II: Id. So she should scale to such feats:

Servantverse Servants

Due to Jalter having fought characters from this universe such as Mysterious Heroine XX, as well as other Chaldea Servants too, Jalter can scale to the following feats:


While not all Avengers are created equal, thanks to Ordell Call 2: Id, Jalter was able to fight and assist in defeating multiple Avengers and even contending with Hessian Lobo in Shinjuku. As such, she can scale to some of the Avengers in Chaldea:

Lostbelt Servants

While she never appeared in a lostbelt herself, she has fought multiple servants who can contend with other lost belt servants or fought against Fantasy tree ultimate dragon, ergo she should scale to them at least.

Fafnir’s Scaling

Fafnir is considered to be a powerful Dragon in the Nasuverse, and should be considerably stronger than even Jalter herself. Due to Fafnir’s status in the verse as the ultimate dragon in addition to his feats and statements, he should scale to these feats:



As a Virus Attribute Digimon, BlackWargreymon is weak to attacks from Vaccine Attribute Digimon. Also as a being made up of Darkness, BlackWarGreymon from 02 would also notably be weak to Light and Holy based attacks. Lastly, as a Dragon Man Digimon, BlackWarGreymon is weak to equipment and attacks that excel at dealing with dragonic foes. Also in extended media, BlackWarGreymon as a species has shown a weakness to Water, Ice and Earth elemental abilities.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter

Jalter is a formidable combatant with a fierce fighting spirit, but she does have a number of shortcomings. For one, her combat skill is below average for the Heroic Spirit as she’s noted by EMIYA Alter to just flail around and has lost numerous times to her original self who is also noted to not be that skilled in combat. She’s also fairly overconfident in her strength, and this vanity has caused her to take losses a few times particularly against EMIYA Alter. Her energy consumption is also noted to be great, and due to her endurance being low, she can run low on fumes a bit quickly. Due to her standard also operating similarly to Jeanne’s Luminosite Eternelle, it also inherits the same weakness of it wearing down from constant attacks to it.

Before the Verdicts

BlackWarGreymon’s Power of Darkness

Now in BlackWarGreymon’s abilities section it is mentioned that he has access to all the abilities granted by the power of darkness. This is in fact true as BlackWarGreymon himself is a dark Digimon having been born from the Dark Towers and many of his attacks correspond to the Power of Darkness or are Darkness elemental. So he objectively utilizes the power of darkness consistently. 

However, most of this only revolves around using destructive Dark elemental attacks and less using it for hax purposes. It is very much so not in character for BlackWarGreymon to go try and mind control or erase his opponents from existence and he was never shown to do such a thing within his story. While yes BlackWarGreymon in theory is capable of using the Power of Darkness to its fullest and thus would have access to these abilities lore wise, him actually using them is another matter entirely and as such should not and will not be a deciding factor in his verdict. It is mostly listed for a more complete powerset.

What about TRI scaling?

“I shall bless you with Dimensional Tiering young one”

Now when discussing scaling to Digimon Adventure TRI, BlackWarGreymon is in a very odd position. While he’s easily among the strongest characters in Adventure 02, once TRI hits the scene it’s next to impossible to evaluate how far he scales due to the time gap between 02 and TRI as well as the cast in general getting stronger by that point. So as a whole TRI wasn’t used for any backwards scaling in this blog simply due to it not being all too reliable or solid at this point in time.

BlackWarGreymon’s X-Antibody

While yes the BlackWarGreymon species does have an X-Antibody form, the BlackWarGreymon from Adventure 02 has never had access to the X-Antibody and thus would not be given it for this battle.

Amaterasu destroying the “Three Thousand Worlds” (三千世界): Universe level or Multiverse level?

Something that has been known among those that dabble in VS for Type-Moon is that in Tamamo-No-Mae’s Fate/Grand Order Interlude, there is a statement for Amaterasu that puts her attack potency in the cosmic ranges. In the localisation, it is as follows:

She claims her 9-tailed-demon self (Amaterasu) can destroy the multiverse. However, when one checks the raws for the statement, one notices something curious here. One sees that the Japanese writings use a different kanji than what would be expected: instead of using the katakana ‘マルチバース’ it uses the kanji ‘三千世界’, the former meaning Multiverse and the latter meaning ‘Three Thousand Worlds’. This kanji refers to the whole universe. So, based on that, people have argued that this is a mistranslation and as such the statement is only Universe level at most. Understandable approach, but there are a few things to consider here: firstly, the universe is confirmed to have parallel worlds via Suzuka Gozen’s Noble Phantasm Trichiliocosm which allows her to see the universe including all of its parallel worlds. This alone already proves that the translation is likely accurate, especially when both Suzuka and Tamamo should have similar understandings of the universe. Also to consider, given that Tamamo-No-Mae comes from the distant past where the katakana ‘multiverse’ didn’t exist, it’d be jarring for her to refer to the universe as ‘multiverse’ rather than just ‘whole world’. So for these 2 things, there’s a notable case where the translation is actually accurate -even if a bit jarring- and that the statement points to multiversal levels of power.

Should Jalter really scale to Edmond Dantes’ top speed?

This scaling chain matters as this is the only venue Jalter can go through to scale her above Suzuka Gozen’s Moon Cell-like speeds. The short answer: it’s debatable. Long answer, there are a few arguments that can be made for her scaling to Edmond Dantes’ top speed, though they can be argued against (whether the pro or con arguments are better is another matter). For instance, the first argument is that she followed him to the Solomon Singularity given she literally shows up a little after Edmond Dantes arrives. However, an argument against this is that we do not know if she did so through the same method that Edmond did; if she did it via sheer speed or dimensional travel. As far as one knows, Jalter does not have this ability to travel through space & time via sheer speed like Edmond does so the possibility that it was done via another method exists.

Another argument is via arguing that his reactions are naturally like this and that the Noble Phantasm consists of him solely forcing his body to match his thoughts. Given the part where the body’s matching of his thoughts is noted to be forceful, the argument does have a basis. And of course, one rebuttal that could be made is that one does not know if he’s always thinking at top speed. As one can see, it’s debatable and not solid if Jalter is this fast.

In any case, given Fafnir’s status and feats, he can at the very least be argued to scale to Suzuka Gozen in speed due to being put in a similar ballpark to Sefar who killed most gods.

How consistent is Jalter herself scaling to the God tiers of Fate/Grand Order?


Not consistent sadly, and narratively it doesn’t make much sense for Jalter to scale to the God tiers of Fate/Grand Order in terms of her physical stats. She does have a few arguments, but they’re not very good and can be easily and convincingly be argued against.

An argument is that Jalter defeats a boss that is like a Divine Spirit in her Second Interlude. However, once again, this is a bit vague given that we do not know if they’re actually as strong as one as the main point of comparison is that the boss is turning into a natural phenomenon, which is something that Divine Spirits are… Sort of. But we still don’t know how strong they’d be as the statement is not about strength.

We even have a clear idea as to her power limits in the hierarchy are: at the end of Summer 3, she couldn’t damage a holding back BB Pele who was amped by a Divine Spirit and an Outer God, only for said BB to get one-shot by Rhongomyniad, a Noble Phantasm on par with Excalibur. So there’s that.

There ARE ways to scale Jalter herself to higher levels, as one may argue that Servants like Mash should at least downscale from God tiers like Tiamat, Goetia, and Zeus. If allowed this scaling, Jalter could potentially get to higher levels of scaling that could match or even surpass BlackWargreymon’s own level of power. However, we decided not to use this level of scaling for Jalter.

For the case with Tiamat, the story makes it very clear that when Mash (who Jalter scales to) manages to “hurt” Tiamat, this is because of Merlin and Ereshkigal’s own buffs, and those two are God tiers in their own right (Example: Ereshkigal Alter is able to summon Gugalanna, and was stated to be comparable to the White Titan, who in turn should be above most Gods and Divine Spirits like Amaterasu).

For Goetia’s case, the story also makes it clear that, at least before Solomon sacrificed himself, the Servants cannot really harm Goetia in any meaningful way. It was only when Solomon sacrificed himself to nerf Goetia was he then able to be defeated by the Chaldea Servants. Jalter also isn’t necessarily a Servant who regularly fights God tiers, so we feel it isn’t justifiable to scale her to the higher beings of Fate/Grand Order.

Now, two things that could be possibly argued for her is her standard’s reflection ability can reflect attacks in the multiverse power ranges- given it’s a copy of Jeanne’s Luminosite Eternelle which could already block Fafnir’s fire breath. And La Grondement Du Haine is stated to be on par with the ultimate dragon’s fire breath, however that would require her to complete her Noble Phantasm’s True Name Invocation. She wouldn’t scale to the power output of her own Noble Phantasm physically.




Stats are a very odd discussion when it comes to this debate. In terms of sheer power BlackWarGreymon has the advantage in spades. He consistently scales far higher in physical stats. All BlackWarGreymon needs is one solid hit to get a victory shot as he’s over 900 times stronger. This is also very important in terms of durability as a whole Jalter can survive a ton of punishment, Digimon can easily quantum crush those far weaker than them with the force of their attacks, meaning a simple blast would spell the end for Jalter.

Speed is also a very tricky subject. Thanks to speed scaling to Daemon, generally BlackWarGreymon would be comparable if not much faster than Jalter, allowing him to easily get a killing blow. The issue comes with Jalter possibly scaling to Dantes. This one avenue of scaling basically decides the course of this battle. The scaling in itself is seen as very debatable (See “Before the Verdict”) and there are arguments for it applying and not applying making it very iffy to rely on for scaling in this case, especially as a sole deciding factor. For one, the argument mainly assumes that Dantes is always thinking at max speed. This also assumes that his normal reactions and combat speed can match his top thought speed when his Noble Phantasm makes it so his body as a whole can now move on par with his high speed thoughts. While you can argue this just means his movement speed, this can very well also imply that his combat and reaction speed don’t match his max thought speed. Finally, this would assume Jalter truly scales to Edmond directly as it’s noted she merely followed him. Edmond specifically needed his Noble Phantasm to reach those speeds and as such it wouldn’t make sense for Jalter to also match those speeds. Especially when such a feat as bypassing time and space via speed alone is not an actual ability she is known to possess, especially as options such as dimensional travel and the like would be available to her in those moments. If accepted, obviously Jalter would be much faster, however without it, BlackWarGreymon matches Jalter at minimum or outspeeds her at worst and we feel that there are many variables around this scaling that its debatability makes it too hard to rely on solidly.

This is with the sole exception of Fafnir. Fafnir kind of just wrecks BlackWarGreymon in terms of speed and power. While his Dramon Destroyers can harm Fafnir, it doesn’t really matter seeing as Fafnir would just generally be too strong and fast for BlackWarGreymon to do anything. If Jalter manages to summon Fafnir or conjure Fafnir’s flames, it’s basically her victory. But that also requires Jalter to specifically be able to summon Fafnir in time and if both are equivalent in speed or BlackWarGreymon is faster, then BlackWarGreymon is just as likely to get at Dark Terra Force or Black Tornado off to take out Jalter.

Arsenal & Abilities

Both BlackWarGreymon and Jalter have very simple arsenals and are pretty straightforward overall. BlackWarGreymon’s Power of Darkness as explained in the “Before the Verdict” is something that BlackWarGreymon has access to, yet he never actually uses it, so there is most of his versatility. Otherwise, he has his more basic attacks as well as the various darkness and fire attacks from the games. But among these are skills that can cause status effects such as rage, confusion, power halving and speed lowering. He also possesses skills that increase his own stats, giving him multiple good options that can give him more advantages over Jalter.

Jalter does have a numbers advantage with her various summons, however, with the exception of Fafnir, BlackWarGreymon simply outpowers all her summons and his Dramon Destroyers grant him an advantage over all of her dragons. And a big aspect of Jalter’s abilities is her Dragon Witch personal skill that grants her the power to control and command dragons. As a Dragon Man/Dragonkin Type Digimon, BlackWarGreymon would be susceptible to this skill. However, fortunately he has a counter to this, his natural resistance to mind control and mental attacks. Perfect level Digimon were able to completely resist the mind controlling effects of Ken’s Dark/Evil Rings which could easily mind control lower level Digimon. And as a particularly powerful Mega Digimon, BlackWarGreymon would in fact scale to if not above this level of resistance, preventing Jalter from taking control over BlackWarGreymon with her personal skill.

Tertiary Factors

In terms of skill and experience, both BlackWarGreymon and Jalter are basically equal in this regard. However, you could argue Jalter maybe a bit more skilled due to generally fighting more skilled warriors as a servant, but overall the difference would be minimal.


"This life created with Dark Towers ends here. But there’s still something I can do…Sealing the gate to the Digital World at Hikarigaoka…I’ll do it with this body!"


  • Astronomically Stronger with the exception of Fafnir

  • Can easily tank and deflect much of Jalter’s arsenal

  • Comparable if not much faster than Jalter without Dantes scaling….

  • Dramon Destroyers and AoE  are extremely effective against all of Jalter’s dragonic summons

  • Slightly more versatile

  • Can induce status effects and debuffs

  • Can increase his own stats

  • Resists Jalter’s Dragon Witch Personal Skill


  • Fafnir

  • Much slower than Jalter with Dantes scaling…

Overall, BlackWarGreymon vastly outpaces everything Jalter can throw at him sans Fafnir and Jalter will only be able to reliably summon him to get the win if she’s much faster than BlackWarGreymon which requires scaling to an admittedly very debatable feat.

Outside of Fafnir BlackWarGreymon vastly outpowers, matches her speed at worst and counters her more limited arsenal much better with his access to status effects and buffing skills. While Jalter may be the powerful Black Dragon Witch, BlackWarGreymon will prove that he’s one dragon that she cannot tame.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter


When it comes to their statistics, both Jalter and BlackWargreymon can easily get into the cosmic levels via scaling. Both have shown feats of Star level of higher, such as Iskandar’s Reality Marble and him maintaining it, with BlackWargreymon scaling to Bakemon and his black holes. For the higher feats, Jalter in particular should be able to scale to other Chaldea Servants like Mash, who is able to fight against Fantasy Tree which are noted to have entire galaxies within them. Destroying the Fantasy Trees also destroys the Lostbelt itself, which are actual, whole timelines or universes as shown when Arjuna Alter nuked his Lostbelt. She has also contended against a bloodlusted, fully serious Mysterious Heroine XX, who was going to destroy an entire Singularity and end the universe. However, Jalter still falls short in terms of power and durability. BlackWargreymon should be consistently at the very least around 900 times universal, if not more. Most of the feats Jalter would reasonably scale to, being regular Chaldean Servant tiers, would be around Universal only, as Lostbelts and Singularities are considered to be singular timelines, as well as the many feats that have these Servants at Universal levels (Like Kama surviving an attack that is basically a whole universe, as well as Billy the Kid surviving an attack that is the same thing).

Speed is a different factor, however. In terms of speed, there’s several ways to approach this. First of all is using only the measurable ends, and this can be split into two ways. First of all is BlackWargreymon scaling to Daemon, who has a feat of around 7.7 Septillion times the speed of light. The only speed feat that Jalter could scale to that matches that level of speed is Suzuka-Gozen’s own 2.9 Octillion times the speed of light feat (low end). However, as discussed in the BTV, if we choose not to use that then the next best speed feat to use would be Arjuna Alter’s feat of 354 Quintillions times the speed of light. So at best, Jalter is faster, but at worst she is slower. Of course, things can change if these universe spanning speed feats were assumed to instead occur over an infinite-sized universe, which both Digimon and Fate/Grand Order have consistently shown, which means they can tie again in terms of speed.

The tricky part is Edmond Dantes and his own Immeasurable speed feat. If used, Jalter could speedblitz her opponent. While this is debatable as we’ve stated earlier in the BTV, we think it is at least fair to give this level of speed to the Servant’s reactions and combat speed, as Dantes’ Noble Phantasm, Enfer Château d'If, is noted that it makes his body move as fast as his own thoughts, which implies he naturally has Immeasurable reaction and combat speed. It is harder to argue that Jalter should scale to this in terms of movement, but we feel it is at least more reasonable to scale this to only her reactions and combat speed. 

While most of the regular Chaldean Servants cannot harm powerful Divine Spirits and Beasts in a meaningful way, they are still nonetheless able to react to these powerful entities. An example of this would be when Chaldea went up against Kama and Arjuna Alter– both should scale to fellow Gods and Beasts, and should be completely above most Servants, yet Yagyu and Karna were able to react and fight them. Karna in particular reacted to and defended against an attack from Arjuna Alter before he was amped and before he got his training with Ashwatthama. So Jalter can scale to Dantes, though only through reactions and combat speed, which means Jalter will be able to react to BlackWargreymon’s attack and even dodge them at her peak.

Fafnir is a different case however, as his own scaling to FGO’s God tiers is much more blatant and requires way less assumptions to make. We conclude that while BlackWargreymon should be much stronger than Jalter herself, Fafnir should be stronger than him, and likely faster as well.

Arsenal & Abilities

When it comes to their arsenal and abilities, Jalter and BlackWargreymon have rather basic movesets. BlackWargreymon has his Dramon Destroyers however, which is noted to be effective on draconic entities–meaning BlackWargreymon can damage Jalter’s wyverns and Fafnir. His Brave Shield should be an effective shield against any of Jalter’s own sword and flag attacks. His abilities like Dark Gaia Force and the Power of Darkness (See Before the Verdict)  can also further cripple Jalter by landing status conditions on her, which would be able increase the stats gap even more by lowering her stats with afflictions. And for the most part, while Jalter can control dragons like BlackWargreymon, he has shown mind control resistance and thus should be able to fend off any Charisma Jalter has. However, his Spatial Distortion would be a non-issue to Jalter, as Servants regularly and repeatedly show large resistances to spatial and temporal manipulation, and Dantes even notes Avengers even have a heightened resistance to time manipulation than other Classes. Servants also regularly fight Dragons, who just by breathing can cause spatial distortions.

Jalter on the other hand doesn’t have as much hax, a bit similar to her opponent. Her sword is pretty much a non-factor as its not elaborated on at all. As for her abilities, she shares similar fire manipulation to her opponent, but she also has access to summoning wyverns and Fafnir, which greatly help her in a fight, even if the wyverns are kind of weak by comparison. As noted earlier, her Dragon Witch skill would be useless against BlackWargreymon, especially since Jalter’s Dragon Witch skill is only a Charisma-variant instead of a more powerful mind control ability that other Servants may have. Both also have great resistances to various haxes, but these factors aren’t as prevalent here as neither really are the most hax-based fighters to begin with. However, the two things that Jalter has that could actually be effective against BlackWargreymon are her Noble Phantasm, La Grondement Du Haine, and her summon Fafnir. As we already discussed Fafnir above, we’ll focus on La Grondement Du Haine in this section.

La Grondement Du Haine is noted to have the flames that are comparable to a first-rate Dragon’s breath, so if Jalter is able to release her Noble Phantasm’s True Name then it should be on the level of Fafnir’s own power. Other than this though, BlackWargreymon should have the advantage in arsenal overall, as he counters Jalter’s wyverns and has similar flame and darkness manipulation powers as well.

Tertiary Factors

Both Jalter and BlackWargreymon should have around the same-ish level of experience and battle prowess. Both of them were already fully cognizant and aware of their own powers the moment they were born, and both have fought a variety of enemies across their life. You can argue Jalter might have a little bit more experience as she’s been in many events across Chaldea’s history like the Fake Heroic Spirits event, Summer 3 event, Shinjuku Singularity, and most recently Ordeal Call 2.


"The dragons will fight one another for eternity. Endless war. Endless devouring. That will be the true Hundred Years' War. A Hundred Years' War of Evil Dragons!"


  • Fafnir

  • La Grondement Du Haine’s power when fully invoked should be above her opponent

  • Wyverns, while weaker, can serve as distractions

  • With the higher ends, she should be much faster…


  • Gets horribly AP stomped herself

  • Her arsenal is countered

  • … But only through reactions, and it's also debatable.

BlackWargreymon’s sheer power and durability is nothing to scoff at. With his power being comparable to Multiversal level beings, even a single strike from him could end Jalter. He also should be able to counter her mind control and wyvern summons with his Dramon Destroyers. 

However, due to Jalter having a way to scale to Dantes in terms of reactions at least, coupled with the fact that Fafnir and her own Noble Phantasm should be in a comparable, if not much higher level of power than BlackWargreymon, means Jalter can avoid defeat and counter back with her NP or Fafnir. Despite his sheer power, it seems Jalter truly is the Dragon Witch, as she proves she can dominate this dragon.

Final Tally

BlackWargreymon (1) - Shulk

Jeanne d’Arc Alter (1) - Ibuki-Doujifanboy

“SAVE ME FAFNIR-CHAN”/Inconclusive (4) - Dragon, Mikha’el, 8bitUtopia, Also Shulk

Huh. Well that’s odd. Most of us seem to agree that it’s really Fafnir that wins rather than Jeanne.

Well I guess that’d logically be a Jalter dub buuuuuuuut…

…yeah I think we know the real winner is Fafnir.

Aaaaand that wraps up 2024’s blogs. I hope you all enjoyed the content that was released for this year! What was your favorite blog of the year? No matter what the answer may be, look forward to next year for some fresh new matches and ideas on their way!


  1. i've got a lot of issues with this blog. great work on it, right, it's well written, but i disagree with a lot of the conclusions and interpretations of the canon of both series.

    for one, you're using adventure canon for blackwargreymon-- makes sense, that's the most well known one and the one that SHOULD be used in a death battle. however, you're using stuff from non-Adventure canons in your analysis, which has never been shown in Adventure. Is this match between a specific BlackWarGreymon and Jeanne, or is it just 'composite BlackWarGreymon'? If it's the latter, fine, but then don't present it as being the specific one from the anime, that's misleading.

    This is most egregious in the Digimon Physiology section: A lot of stuff links to information from Tamers, which is a different continuity that has different rules for how its Digimon operate. Aborption, power mimicry, 'quantum manipulation', none of these are abilities BWG has ever displayed and cannot be assumed to have. Similarly, you link to pages from the Digimon Zukan for evidence that BWG has size manipulation, when the Zukan is very specifically a guide about the digital pets, not any of the anime canons.
    I'm sure that's not all, but since there's no sources listed on the scans for the existence erasure, etc., I can't for sure.

    His attacks have a similar issue-- He never uses most of the listed moves in the Adventure canon, they're exclusive to video games that aren't related in any way to the Adventure canon. Cyber Sleuth, World DS, etc. have no bearing on the anime character's abilities.
    Overwrite, also, is exclusive to V-Tamer and thus not applicable here.

    Again though, if this is meant to be a COMPOSITE BlackWarGreymon, most of these issues disappear, but if that's the case then please specify.

    As for his actual feats, this section is much better, but there's still issues in regards to scaling. For one, you say the power from Azulongmon given to Agumon is enough to keep the entire Digital World balanced, when the screenshots you link explicitly contradict that: It's clearly saying "yeah Azulongmon's power is SUPPOSED to do this, but not only did Agumon only receive a small portion of it, the power was already weakened even before that".

    1. For Paildramon's "countering an explosion that would have destroyed the Digital World" feat, you have I think the wrong album linked? So IDK if this one is even correct
      Also, scaling him to Millenniummon isn't really useful here, as 'beat this guy off screen alongside another whole character who isn't gone over here' doesn't really give him anything concrete to work with

      The "copy of Saturn" in Vademon's pocket dimension is like, very clearly NOT Saturn, given that it's both about the size of a building and made of rock.

      Scaling Daemon's speed to Leviamon, who as far as I know is not even confirmed to EXIST in the Adventure canon, is just wrong to do. Especially since this is just based on descriptions of his attacks, descriptions which even if taken at face value do not imply speed in any capacity. (It also says his jaws are "as large as the digital world", and whenever we've seen him in games or other anime that's very clearly not true, so why would we take it at its word that he can "destroy everything"?)
      And just because they're both Demon Lords does not mean they necessarily scale to each other, but that's besides the point.

      Giving all of the DigiDestined's Digimon septillions of times faster than light speed because Daemon, in other canons, is in the same group as another guy who can extremely questionably be calced to those speeds based on the descriptions of one of his moves in the card game is just ridiculous, I'm sorry.

      Megidramon is not in the Adventure continuity so he is irrelevant to the Four Holy Beasts from Adventure.
      Lucemon is not in the Adventure continuity so he is irrelevant to the Three Great Angels from Adventure.
      Digimon Reference Book descriptions for attacks should not be taken as canon to their anime counterparts, they often contradict.
      None of the Three Angels are actually relevant to BlackWarGreymon, though, so IDK why they're included in this blog at all.

      And once more, most of the rest of the scaling to general strong Digimon is from across several irrelevant canons and people he has no reason to scale to.

    2. Now for Jalter.

      First and foremost, she's not redirecting the blast from Fafnir in the second linked feat, she's very clearly hitting Fafnir's head and he reels back from it.

      U-Olga's gravity ball thing isn't ever stated to be a black hole, so we have no reason to assume it is one.

      Chiron's NP is a conceptual attack based on the idea of the constellation, which is why he can use it even when the constellation is not visible. It's not literally a beam of light travelling from Antares to Earth.

      Unless something is revealed later on (I'm not caught up in FGO admittedly), the Trees of Emptiness do not like, PHYSICALLY contain galaxies, they just contain like a simulation of one or a recreation or something, right?

      I don't think Iskandar's reality marble having a sun is something relevant to Jalter in any capacity.

      Idk why we're taking Osakabehime's word at face value here for Elisabeth's NP being universal. Character statements are the lowest level of feat + it's not a 'serious' event.
      Astraea's NP, again, is conceptual, not literal.

      Servantverse shit is like, yeah this is just that good but I oppose scaling her to it on moral grounds lmao.

      This feels like a misrepresentation of Dantes' NP. He is not escaping time and space because he's fast-- he's fast because he's escaped time and space. It's not a "speed" feat so much as it is an "escape" feat. She doesn't scale to his speed because she's not escaping the laws of physics like he is.

      Also, the Suzuka Gozen scaling is a complete falsehood. Ignoring that that's a fan translation you linked, BB never says "Suzuka Gozen is faster/as fast as the Moon Cell"-- in fact her speed never comes up. In both the official translation and in the actual original japanese text it's that she may be as POWERFUL as the Moon Cell-- as such, it's not a speed feat in any capacity.

      Neco-Arc I oppose scaling to for similar reasons as Servantverse, lmao. That ain't real!

      I also disagree with giving Jalter Fafnir, as that's not really part of her standard 'kit'.

      They should kiss, not fight, actually.


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