Blog: Cammy White

“Beginning operation”

Before we begin

Strap in cause this is gonna be a doozy. 

Its no secret that SF is infamous for its messy continuity. Between all the retconning and timeline swapping, and rewriting, it has made the “canon” of SF not fully clear to most people.

So how will this work here? The primary source will obviously be the game as they are the main source of just about everything in this series. So SF1?>Alpha series>SFII series>SFIV series>SFV series>SFIII series>SF6. 

Next any games or media in general closely connected will be taken into account. This means stuff like the Ties that Bind movie, Final Fight Revenge, SF IV Aftermath, etc.

Now for what I imagine what most of you are thinking about: The UDON Comics. It's no secret that the UDON continuity has spiraled into its own thing with Darkstalkers being canon now to that universe and shit like Chun Li knowing soul fuckery or Shin Ryu. Clearly, everything is non-canon right? Weeelll not exactly. 

A large reason for these huge differences is that for most of UDON’s time making the comic, Capcom never really had a proper canon in mind for SF. They were outright told by Capcom that every game was treated like an alternate timeline. This is why not only UDON, but many SF media is horribly inconsistent and all over the place with what actually happens. Capcom didn’t think much about “canon.”

That would start to change around the SFV era, however. UDON worked much closer with Capcom to have their comics line up better with the games. While they could still do their own thing many characters and events were brought in line closer to their game counterparts. The most damning connection however comes in the form of the SF World Warrior Encyclopedia, a book meant to be an “ultimate guide to the world of Street Fighter.” Within this book events from UDON are referenced a notable amount, such as Necro fighting Seth, or Sean trying to get Ken to train him via food bribes. Matt Dylon, the writer of said book, even admitted that he basically left out anything from UDON that’d go against the games. All of this is to effectively say not everything from UDON has to be discredited. Like all things in VS its a case-by-case basis. I mostly used stuff from UDON that wouldn’t be hard proven wrong in the games or just supporting evidence to stuff. 

Lastly, there are the EX games, which while they won’t have a large impact should be taken into account. The events of the EX games are basically in an “unknown” state largely due to most of the cast being owned by Akira. The characters do exist in the SF world as noted by Darun Maister, who actually had one of the chess pieces and was Zangief’s “wrestling friend”, but the actual events are never fully referenced. For the sake of ease, I’ll mostly just use feats done by SF peeps in the EX games. 

TLDR; The main games will take priority but other material will be considered and used as supporting evidence. I apologize for this section being decently lengthy but given how messy SF’s canon is I believe it's for the best to cover as many bases as possible. 


The dictator M.Bison had a major problem. In spite of how amazing and destructive his Psycho Power was, it was also destroying his body over time. With world domination still on his priority list Bison needed a way to continue living once his old body gave out. Specifically, he needed a vessel that could channel his Psycho Power properly.

Enter Killer Bee, a member of the Shadaloo elite guard known as “The Dolls.” While the other dolls were brainwashed super soldiers kidnapped from across the world, Killer Bee was different. Rather than being stolen from some random part of the world she was actually a genetic clone of M.Bison designed to become a host body for him once the time was right. While you might be wondering why Bison specifically wanted THIS to be his host body…

…he had more pressing matters at hand. Killer Bee was already beginning to develop some individuality and self awareness, but these traits came into the forefront when Dhalsim used his Yoga powers to free Killer Bee of her brainwashing. No longer a mindless puppet, Bison ordered her death at the hands of Vega and the other Dolls. Luckily Killer Bee was strong enough to fend off her attackers and managed to locate the super weapon Bison had cooked up called the Psycho Drive, a device that could absorb the energy of fighters. Because of her DNA ties to Bison, Killer Bee was able to use the energy gathered by the weapon to free the dolls from Bison's grasp. 

Sometime later Killer Bee mysteriously landed on the doorstep of Delta Red thanks to some unknown assailant (Vega). While she had no memories and was effectively a stranger, the Delta Red crew still took her in and treated her like a human being. For the first time, the young woman had an actual family. Her newfound team would grant her the name “Cammy”, and welcomed her into their circle. 

For a good while Cammy would proceed to go on various missions for Delta Red until her fate would intertwine with Bison once again. During the World Warrior Tournament Bison would reveal the truth of her existence, causing her to wonder if she didn’t belong with Delta Red. In spite of her origins, her teammates continued to accept her, as the Cammy they knew was a part of a family. Reignited more than ever to stop Bison, Cammy would do her damnedest to take down Shadaloo and free the Dolls from the clutches of M.Bison. After an unspecified amount of time (sliding time scale baybee) Cammy would finally succeed in freeing the Dolls from Bison’s control and taking down Shadaloo, granting her sisters actual freedom for the first time in eons. 

Nowadays Cammy continues to serve Delta Red and hunt down any remnants of Shadaloo or Psycho Power. While she and her sisters still feel the effects of their past, they are now able to lead fulfilling lives for the rest of their days. 

Some Cammy Fun Facts!


Prior to joining Delta Red, Cammy was already an experienced assassin, taking on several notable fighters such as Chun-Li’s father, Dee Jay, or Vega. Once freed from her brainwashing, she gained new skills and techniques from Delta Red and continued to participate in many large-scale conflicts, often coming into conflict with other Shadaloo members such as the Dolls, who received the same training Cammy herself did alongside power boosts from Psycho Power. Seemingly years after the Shadaloo conflict ended, Cammy continued to take on several missions, perfecting her craft enough to teach her style effectively to upcoming martial artists. 


Combat Bracers

A pair of combat bracers that not only act as a force of defense but can be used to channel energy such as electricity 

Night Vision Goggles

…exactly what it says on the tin.

Sub Machine Guns

Apparently Cammy has a fascination with sub machine guns, as some art pieces often display her with these weapons. She even uses them in the Cannon Spike video game. 


Special Forces Training

As a part of her time in Delta Red, Cammy was taught and practiced their “Special Forces" fighting style. This acrobatic style focuses on finding openings in an opponent's defense by using Cammy’s immense movement speed to outmaneuver her opponents. Most fighting game fanatics would consider Cammy a “rushdown” type of character for this reason. Many of her techniques prioritize closing the distance and avoiding attacks by utilizing immense speed. Combined with her physical enhancements received from Shadaloo, Cammy can prioritize fast and finesse attacks without wasting strength

Most of Cammy’s moveset remain relatively the same, but she will get the occasional move exclusively in one game or two. For this analysis, I will be sticking to her most common moves and any upgrades they have gotten. The only exception will be for certain supers.


Spiral Arrow- Arguably her most iconic move, Spiral Arrow turns Cammy into a drill that can close the distance between her opponent. This can even be used to help avoid projectiles. While initially needing her “V-Trigger” to charge this move, she later gained this ability normally in SF6. When charged, the attack gains multiple hits instead of one. (which applies to every one of her specials)

Cannon Spike- A powerful rising kick that can be used to catch jumping opponents

Cannon Strike- A dive kick that can be used to continue Cammy’s offensive pressure. 

Spin Knuckle- A backhand that can be utilized to avoid projectiles

Hooligan Combination- This spinning jump grants many follow ups for Cammy while she is airborne. These follow ups include:


Spin Drive Smasher- The most consistent super across the games, this attack essentially combines her Spiral Arrow and Cannon Spike into one devastating attack.

Gyro Drive Smasher- An upgrade of the previous super, this attack adds on a neck breaker to truly finish her opponents.

Cammy Quick Combination- In this counter-attack Cammy proceeds to snap the opponent's neck, break their arm, and then snap their neck again. Apparently the World Warrior tournaments are okay with murder.

Killer Bee Spin- Based on the animated movie, Cammy strikes the target from the skies, fucks up their shoulder completely, and shoves her feet straight into the back of the knees.

Cross Stinger Assault- In this batshit insane special, Cammy proceeds to dart around the battlefield before proceeding to drill right through her opponent.

Delta Red Assault- In a similar manner to Cross Stinger Assault, Cammy darts around the battlefield, immobilizing the opponent, and finishing them off with a swift kick to the neck. In some cases Cammy can ramp up the finisher by standing behind them to probably disrespect you.

Psycho Power

Due to being a clone of Bison, Cammy is a natural recipient of Psycho Power, a power that feeds off of the negative feelings of others, be it fear, sadness or hatred. While her usage of it has been limited, it has been used to amplify her physical characteristics. In the Alpha games she managed to somehow generate a Bison clone to attack the opponent briefly. 






Mind Manipulation- Is able to fend off Bison’s brainwashing, even when a backup was instilled inside of her.

Poison Manipulation- Can fend off and take attacks from FANG, whose poison works through the body faster than electric shocks and can melt and turn people into dust



Arguably the most consistent interactions she tends to have across the series. In most mediums Cammy has fought against both to varying degrees of success but usually holding her own in any case. 



As effective as her acrobatic style is, it does leave Cammy’s defenses lacking by comparison. While she can take hits, she’s by no means a tank and is more likely to fall if one can get around her acrobatics. 

While her Psycho Power is present, Cammy has little experience successfully calling on the power and is unlikely to fully utilize it, especially given its connections to Bison.

Lastly, while she has shown resistance to brainwashing, it is not full immunity and she can fall to it if the mind fuckery is powerful enough.


“This fight is not just mine alone. It belongs to all of us”

As you can tell Cammy is all about her agility and how she uses it. Thankfully her speed stats are up to par (Around MHS+-Sub Rel via Haggar and the Psycho Drive Laser) and with her strong AP stats (Around Country via Honda Meteor and again Haggar earth dive) she can land fatal blows that dismantle defenses. Her experience as both a Doll and Delta Red member give her plenty of combat knowledge and while her track record isn’t always 100% (that C.Viper fight did her fucking dirty) she more often than not comes out on top and has consistently kept up with some of SF’s top dogs. Add in some of her extra gear and maybe some Psycho Power and Cammy is an unstoppable force in combat who’ll leave very few openings.

Possible Opponents

Leona Heidern

Probably my favorite Cammy option at the moment. Members of a military themed found family with a past connected to an evil energy that forced them to kill innocents. Not only do I love both characters but I think this fight would be the best when it comes to just animation potential. Both are about the same in scale and I think it’d be cool to see their acrobatic like fighting styles play off each other. I’d like a more quiet spy-esque section in the fight to capitalize on Cammy’s stealth while also allowing Leona to use some of her tools to potentially snuff her out. And of course, Orochi vs Psycho Power could be cool. This is also the one time where Orochi could be talked about and not dominate a KOF original’s story!

Nina Williams

I imagine this is the most “popular” Cammy option and for good reason. Brainwashed assassins with rivalries with their siblings who lose their memory after being freed of said brainwashing. It helps that Nina is THE Tekken girl and given that SF and Teken had a big (but failed) crossover that both were in it's not hard to see why this exists.

Sarah Bryant

I’m no expert in VF but everything I’ve heard about her seems to line up with Cammy (and Nina funny enough). VF is a pretty important FG series so getting a rep from it couldn’t hurt.

Anyhow thanks for reading this it was fun to put together. SF6 is really fun so it’d be cool if you played that game it's great. 



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