Shulk's DB Wishlist


I'll steal it! No one will ever know!

Okay so I’m very much stealing this from a fren but Imma change things up a bit because I’m different like that. This got my mind jogging and I was bored enough to put this together so hereeeeee weeeeeee gooooooooooooo

Most Wanted Anime Fight

Whitebeard vs Escanor

Sauce for TN here

One Piece is one of my favorite series out there so it’s not too out there that I want to see more fights from it in the show. Out of the options available I think Whitebeard vs Escanor is easily my favorite and one I’m glad has gotten a notable amount of traction. Whitebeard is one of the most important parts of the One Piece storyline and carries some of the most blatant feats in the series making the analysis a lot more straightforward and easy to write in comparison. Escanor in my eyes as not only is getting Seven Deadly Sins a match neat (especially when their number of popular matchups is fucking small) but the connections are the most fitting for both especially with the whole “family” theme between the two of them. As a fight I could very well see a 3D animation with these two being really fucking hype especially with the ability to show off the sheer impact of their hits given their large and in charge size. It’s a fun fight that’d be really neat to see.

Honorable Mentions: Magneto vs Tetsuo, Frieza vs Megatron, Bradley vs Solidus

Most Wanted Video Game Fight

Nero vs Hellboy

TN by Joshski

In spite of the ever lasting stat war with this verse DMC brings in pretty fucking good fights with their characters and Nero has arguably some of the most potential out of any DMC fights we can theoretically get in the future. On top of that getting comics outside of Marvel and DC would be really fucking nice and Hellboy is one of the most fitting characters to fufill that role. The amount of potential from a fight and dialogue potential is through the roof and god knows what the music will sound like given the all of the fucking times “Devil Trigger” was played during DMC5’s spotlight. I don’t think there’s much else to really say other than I really fucking hope this fight can happen sooner rather than later.

Honorable Mentions: Slayer vs Demetri, Spawn vs Demi-Fiend, Ridley vs Vilgax 

Most Wanted Comic Book fight

Punisher vs Judge Dredd

TN by Shiny Optimus

Punisher is one of the most arguably overdue comic book characters in this show and Dredd fits him to a fucking tee as a matchup. As mentioned above we don’t often get comics outside of Marvel vs DC so getting to explore another one of the more well known comic book dudes outside of the big two would be really fucking nice especially with all of the weird general tech and gadgets that Dredd can bring to the table. 

Honorable Mentions: Captain America vs Kamen Rider Ichigo, Ant-Man vs Atom, John Constantine vs Raidou Kuznoha XIV

Most Wanted Cartoon Match 

Mickey Mouse vs Bugs Bunny

TN by Dek

Looney Tunes holds a soft spot in my childhood and while Mickey himself has never been my favorite of the cast I don't think I need to tell you that the mouse is arguably the most recognizable fictional character like...ever. A crossover between the two only feels right and seeing DB bring that to life would be pretty fucking sweet. My only hope I suppose is that they take advantage of their general history in the analysis and animation.  Would be cool to see quick design changes in the animation and talk about how important these two are to animation as a whole.

Honorable Mentions: Zim vs Crypto, Dexter vs Jimmy, Scooby vs Courage 

Most Wanted Movie/Television Match

Palpatine vs Xehanort

TN by Phantom

Yeaaaaaaaah I really don’t think I need to explain the appeal of this one. Palpatine is one of my favorite villains out there and Star Wars in general holds a special place in my heart. Xehanort fits him to a tee and the amount of wild horseshit you can do with the animation with these two dark lords has no way to be properly summarized here. God only knows how Brandon plans to top the original soundtrack he made for this fight.

Honorable Mentions: Jason vs Micheal, Han vs Kirk, Indiana Jones vs Rick O Cornell 

Most Wanted Rematch

Master Chief vs Doomslayer

TN Sauce

I don’t think I need to tell anyone that Doomguy is a wholly different beast compared to when he first got on the show. Naturally he deserves to comeback and I have uhhh yet to see a single good alternative for the guy so that naturally just leads back into a proper rematch with the man Master Chief. Halo and Doom have their positions as some of the most important and FPS’s in the genre and the comparisons between the two super soldiers hasn’t been lost on the gaming community at large. With Halo’s new content coming very soon with Infinite plus the other forms of Halo media that have been released since the original DB a rematch with these two feels like the most natural way to get these two a proper modern take in DB. The amount of great setpieces, usage of weaponry, and general “holy shit” energy you can get from these two is through the roof and I think it’s the best way to get both back on the show and hopefully bring in more Halo episodes cause maaaaaaaan it’d be great to see more Halo peeps on. 

Honorable Mentions: Chun-Li vs Mai 2, yeah I got nothing else beyond that

Most Wanted Team Fight

Bad Batch vs Noble Team

TN by Joshki

Yeah you saw Halo once and now you’re gonna see it again bitch. Anywho, I don't think I need to tell you that Star Wars has characters beyond the force and bringing in any notable Clone for an episode would be really neat especially with how important they are to the lore of the series. As  you read above Halo is a series I’d like to see get more episodes and the Noble Team are a key part of the series that would be fun to see explored in DB. While Delta Squad makes a lot of sense as well for the Noble Team I think the combination Bad Batch having more relevancy and their unique gimmicks would allow them to bring more to the table. Naturally I wouldn’t expect this to happen extremely soon or anything especially given Bad Batch will get more seasons but somewhere down the line I would really like to see this as a thing.

Honorable Mentions: Bill & Lancer vs Marco & Tarma, Ladybug and Cat Noir vs Cure Black and Cure White

Most Wanted Army Fight

Cobra Commander & Cobra vs Red Skull & Hydra

TN by ConnorDisel

GI Joe on this show would be a fucking trip especially given that they have done shit like cross over with fucking Transformers. Covering Hydra would be pretty fucking cool in DB especially with the amount of horseshit they’ve done and Cobra can definently go blow to blow with the insanity that they can bring. It’d be a decent twist from the more commonly expected army battles albeit I fully realize there’d be a lot more budget to put into a fight like this since there aren’t exactly a lot of assets for these two to casually pull around for their armies. 

Honorable Mentions: Nick Fury+Shield vs Big Boss+MFS, Bowser vs Eggman

Most Wanted Battle Royale

Link Battle Royale

TN from Ultra’s Blog

Honestly Ultra summarized it pretty well in his most wanted list. It’d be pretty cool to see the stories of certain Links overviewed in an analysis and I think seeing their differences in an animation emphasized would be really cool to see. Not much else to say so just look at Ultra’s blog on his most wanted. 

Honorable Mentions: Lantern Battle Royale, TF2 Mercs BR

Most Wanted Joke Fight

Cereal Mascot Battle Royale

TN from John Death Battle themselves

What classifies as a “joke fight” might vary from person to person but this fits the sorta weird nature of episodes like Smokey vs McGruff and Randy vs Kool Aid Man. I think this has the most potential overall and I feel like analyzing all of the weird abilities that these mascots have would be really fun to explore in a DB and just seeing those said abilities go crazy in an animation I think would be funny and awesome at the same time. I’m not big on many of DB’s “joke” ideas as is but I think I would be down with this one especially when the debate for who wins this can probably change on a dime depending on what’s found for these characters. 

Honorable Mentions: There are none.

Unlikely AF but still cool match

Sailor Mercury vs Cure Beauty

TN by kingsly

So if you know enough about me you know that I am in fact a fan of the Toei Toy Commercial known as Pretty Cure. Honestly it’s the only magical girl franchise I think I have a notable investment in so if there was a small chance to get it in I’d take it. With that in mind DB doesn’t appear to be going in a route where we’re gonna get a magical girl in a magical girl fight which is a darn shame since you could really play up the classic magical girl aspect in a fight like that and this is a matchup that I think exemplifies this. Getting other Sailor Scouts in this show would be cool and I think this definitely hits the right spots since honestly a lot of the Sailor Scout matches I’ve seen haven’t been uh good lol. Being the two blue colored smart people of their respective teams I think you could get a good mix of traditional magical girl aspects alongside the unique parts of this match, namely the use of intellect given that’s one of their main character traits. It’s also decently close and wouldn’t really come down to any sort of specific hax or ability or anything so it’d be nice to have a fight that could potentially tackle aspects you don’t often see as important in VS discussions such as experience or who’s the better combatant overall.

Honorable Mentions: Cole vs Alex, Cirno vs Jack Frost, Bowser vs Satan

Most Wanted Returnee


Honestly this was kinda tricky to really decide but I think Kratos of all people probably has the most amount of potential for a runback. On top of just going over his old material with a modern analysis, you can slap on all of the crazy Norse shit that he has gotten in GOW4 and whatever Ragnorok will give him. A lot of Kratos’s matches for the most part fit with him for one reason for another so no matter who you choose there’s a good chance it’ll play into his strengths overall and bring a sick animation to the table, especially if they decide to play up the GOW violence for some crazy fucking moments. 

Honorable Mentions: Bowser, Mewtwo, Captain America

Most Wanted Character


Garou is like hands down, one of the coolest parts of OPM and would be the most natural next step for the franchise within DB. I don’t think I need to really sell you on Garou’s animation potential but let’s just say seeing a fight push Garou from human to monster would be fucking sick and I think depending on the opponent you could get some fun banter between them and Garou. Sadly I haven’t really found an opponent for him that I consider satisfactory but hopefully something comes around in the future.

Honorable Mentions: Darth Maul, Luffy, King Ghidorah 

Most Wanted Franchise


HunterXHunter is a very special shonen and I think it’s pretty overdue for an appearance in DB. While I can’t say I’m a fan of all of their matches I think the ones I really shine hard enough to want me to see the series represented properly in DB. Even with the matches I’m not too big on just the characters alone would at least keep me relatively invested in the matchups they get. My personal favorite from the series is Scar vs Kurapika but I can accept other ideas like Kars vs Meruem. 

Honorable Mentions: Lord of the Rings, Disgaea, Kamen Rider

Most Wanted Match

Homura vs I-No

TN by Joshski

Yeah I don’t think y’all need to know why this is my most wanted. 


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