Aigis Analysis

 A quick heads up

For this I’ll just be using the games as the prime material and all. This means anything within the Persona main series is fair game (Including Q and Q2). Anything like the anime and manga will be used for pretty decorations and stuff.

I'll also be splitting the feats section into "Low End" and "High End" this time, as I know not everyone is down with everything Persona related.

Also I know this isn’t the first Aigis blog ever. I'm mostly just doing this for fun and adding some of my own twists to it.



Aigis was created by the famous Kirijo Group as the final 7th generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon. These androids were designed with the purpose of wielding a Persona and destroying shadows, with their human-like appearances being modeled for the job (mostly just for gaining Persona access but hey.) Ten years prior to the events of Persona 3 Aigis was tasked with defeating the entity known as Death, who had plans on summoning Nyx and invoking “The Fall. Unable to defeat Death, Aigis would seal the entity within the body of a young child known as Minato Aristo (Yes I know his actual name is Makoto Yuki but fuck that). In order to assure that pesky emotions such as guilt didn’t get in the way of her mission, the Kirijo Group wiped her memory. Later she would be found by Shunji Ikutsuki, who recruited her into SEES in their effort to end the Dark Hour.

Naturally a LOT goes down from there. Ikutsuki turned out to be a crazy nihilist in support of the apocalypse, Aigis regains her memories and starts to question her existence, and in due time she begins to believe she truly does have emotions and helps SEES out in stopping the “The Fall.”

Aaaaaaaaaaaand then things go even further because later Minato dies and gets strapped eternally to a door which leads to his Wild Card ability being inherited by Aigis, thus leading to the events of The Answer which no one gives a shit about so let’s just say Aigis and crew learned to value their lives and make the most out of them.

Oh and Arena happens as well.



In true Android fashion Aigis is equipped to the brim with all sorts of Firearms at her disposal, with a total of 120 bullets to work with across the various weapons in her arsenal.

Finger Guns: Aigis’s main and most simple method of firing bullets.

Rifle: A combo ender for Aigis that consumes 8 bullets.

Gatling Gun: Aigis pulls out the big G which consumes 10-20 bullets.

Cannon: For mass destruction Aigis can bring forth a large cannon to damage her enemies.

Pandora Missile Launcher: A giant container of missiles that can be fired in different directions.

Multi Mounted Machine Gun Orion: A combination of several machine guns that Aigis tends to only bring out when her Persona is broken.

Heritage Liberator Palladion: Arguably the most powerful weapon in Aigis’s arsenal, Aigis can combine this weapon with her Persona to create a large laser-like blast.

Miscellaneous: Aigis can utilize other non gun based weapons such as a giant spear, grenades, or flamethrowers.


Aptly named “Aigis armor V.100” in game, Aigis is covered with an outer shell that does exactly what armor should logically do. She also can equip Aigis Legs v.100, which increases her overall speed, allowing her to avoid attacks easier. 



As a shadow destroying android, Aigis is equipped with several more extoric abilities that allow her to combat the dangers of Tarturus and future threats within the Persona series.


As the name implies, a Persona is a manifestation of a user's personality and inner thoughts, often being seen as a mask for the user to face various hardships within the future. Personas come equipped with an affinity for a certain element such as fire, ice, or wind, as well as certain weakness (for the most part) to those aforementioned abilities. As the user evolves, the Persona will evolve as well, taking on new abilities, powers and methods of combat. Each Persona is a part of a certain Arcana class which acts as a species classification system. With sufficient damage however, a Persona can be broken, forcing it to recover itself over time.

Aigis however is more special than the average Persona user. At the start of the Answer she inherited Minato’s Wild Card ability, which allows her to change Personas in the middle of battle. By changing Personas, Aigis can change her abilities, resistances, and weaknesses, allowing for a diverse gameplan that can create several scenarios for the user to pull from. For an understanding of what certain terms mean, here’s a quick breakdown.

Reflect: The attack is sent back at the user

Absorbs: The attack heals the user

Block: The attack is nullified.

Resists: The user takes less damage from the attack.

Weak: The user takes more damage from the attack.

Pallas Athena

The final evolution of Aigis’s Palladion Persona. A member of the Chariot Arcana, Athena is primarily a Physical based Persona that specializes in defense, with the ability to  block “Pierce” based attacks at the cost of being weak to Electricity based attacks. It can utilize it’s shield and spear for various attacks and can even imbue them with an unknown energy source for increased strength.


Kill Rush: Light “Strike” damage to a single foe. 

Swift Strike: Light “Strike” damage to all foes

Sukukaja: Increases a single targets speed

Rakukaja: Increases a single target’s durability

Fatal End: Medium “Slash” damage to a single foe

Tarukaja:  Increases a single targets attack potency

Dekunda: Nullifies any stat debuffs on her and the party (Speed, Strength, Magic, Endurance, and Luck)

Masukukaja: Increases the entire party’s speed

Heat Wave: Medium “Strike” damage to all targets

Marakukuja: Increases the entire party’s durability

Diarahan: Fully restores the health of a single target

Matarukaja: Increases the entire party’s attack

Samarecarm: Revives a party member with all of their health restored

Akasha Arts: Heavy “Strike” damage to all targets

God’s Hand: The strongest “Strike” attack in Athena’s arsenal. Targets a single foe

Wild Card Personas

For the sake of time and to not overwhelm you with a bunch of random names, I’ll have the links to the skills on the names of the respective Personas, with a simple description of what they do overall.


Potential Resistance: Bless/Light

Weak: Electricity+Dark

When Aigis first awakened her Wild Card powers, her regular Athena Persona morphed into the Persona of Minato himself Orpheus. Orpheus specializes in Fire Techniques with minor healing and physical abilities. While in game Orpheus is fairly weak, other material such as the Persona 5 Challenge Battle DLC and Orpheus DLC imply that Orpheus is much stronger in the endgame, with immunities to bless and more powerful fire skills.



Resists: Electricity, Wind

Weak: Light

A god of Japanese legend, Susano-o is the strongest Persona in the Fool Arcana, specializing in physical damage and having consistent healing abilities as a plus. 




The one who will bring Ragnarok, Surt is the strongest of the Magician Arcana and utilizes strong fire attacks to punish foes.


Resists: Pierce, Ice, Wind, Light

Weak: Fire

The strongest of the Priestess Persona, Scathach contains several strong magical spells that can cause ice damage, cure various ailments, and even recover her SP overtime.




The Araibian Mother Goddess and strongest Persona in the Empress Arcana, Alilat exists primarily as a cockblocker of physical based attacks such as slash or strike. She even gets a skill to repel them (which makes you wonder what I bothered putting “resists” but let’s not worry about that)




One of the only good things about SMT4A’s story, Odin is the strongest Persona in the Emperor Arcana, and specializes in electric based attacks, whether it be amping them up or halfing the SP cost in order to spend them more.



A legendary holy dragon and the final Persona of the Hierophant Arcana, Kohryu specializes primarily in healing, and as a bonus can nullify “Strike” and “Pierce” based moves.




A representation of the mother goddess and the final Persona in the Lovers Arcana, Cybele also specializes in recovery spells, having ways to cure status ailments and recovery health within battle. 




Odin’s bitc-I mean strongest warrior, Thor serves as the strongest Persona in the Chariot Arcana specializing in Electricity just like the big man.





A legendary angel who was once human, Melchizedek deals with “Strike” based attacks while gaining an ability later to reflect Dark based attacks.





The big man on campus, Arahabaki is the strongest Persona in the Hermit Arcana, and has an unusual moveset, containing poison, defense buffs, the ability to repel ice and nullify “Strike” based moves.




The keeper of fate, Norm is the strongest Persona in the Fortune who specializes in Wind based techniques and having methods of healing and restoring SP.





Unrelated to this Siegfried or that Siegfried, THIS Siegfried is the final Persona in the Strength Arcana, and as the Arcana implies he specializes in physical strength and hits like a mother fucker.




A symbol of life and death, Attis specialized in last minute situation recoveries, such as being able to heal all health when the user is near death, and if they die, revive with full health.





The Arcana of Death, and the Persona that was initially released when Minato first awakened his, Thanatos is a combination of instant death spells, Fire, Almighty, and “Slash” spells and attacks, proving to be a deadly opponent.





A good lion boi who is the strongest of the Temperance Arcana, Byakko specializes in Elec skills, with an additional ability to endure strong hits and utilize “Deathbound” as a “Slash” skill.



Resists:Elec/Wind (Baal)

Block:Strike,Elec,Wind (Beezle)


Beezlebub is a unique Persona, as he’s two entities with different powers and abilities. Baal is the strongest in the Moon Arcana and utilizes more death related spells to his advantage. Beezle is more direct and uses more brute magic force to win battles.

Chi You



The final Tower Arcana Persona, Chi You specializes in “Pierce” based attacks, being able to even half the cost of HP needed to utilize Strength spells.


Reflect:Dark (Lucifer)

Block:Light (Helel) Elec (Lucifer)



Like Beezlebub, Lucifer has two different Persona forms, that being his demon form and angel form called Helel. Helel is a strong magic user with the strongest magic spell titled “Morning Star.” Lucifer is similar, but with more of a brute and focusing on hard hitting attacks.




The twin brother of Metatron, Sandalphon is a Light user who utilizes methods to buff instant kill spells, and can gain large amounts of healing methods to keep Aigis alive.





The strongest of the Sun Arcana, Asura is a varied individual, having magic spells, methods to reflect physical attacks, and even shielding from mental ailments. 




The right hand man of God himself, Satan is the second strongest of the Judgement Arcana, who has a strong magic and luck output, with some methods to recover both SP and HP. 





The Ultimate Persona for Aigis, carried over from the will of Minato. Messiah is largely resistant to all elements, carries the strongest Almighty Spell (Megidolaon), a strong “Strike” spell with God’s Hand, and several passive abilities such as recovering SP and HP, can restore Aigis upon death with all her HP, and drain damage from “Strike” attacks.

Heart Items

Basically during Persona fusion, Aigis has a chance of obtaining an item from one of her fusions that can grant her advantages within battle. Rather than listing every Heart Item that is obtainable, I will list the ones that are the most relevant and useful in the long term.

Barbaric Bracers: Grants passive boosts to both Physical and Magic evasion. 

Spirit Bracers: Grants a passive Endure spell, which allows Aigis to resist a near death experience.

Arms Master: Halves the cost of physical spells.

Spell Master: Halves the cost of magical spells.

Divine Grace: Strengthens the power of healing spells.

Tome of the Void: Grants the ability “Unshaken Will”, which grants Aigis immunity to all mental ailments. These include Charm, Fear, Rage, Panic, and Distress. 

Omnipotent Orb: This item nullifies all damage towards it with the exception of Almighty attacks.

Orgia Mode

A state that Aigis can enter by temporarily disabling her limiter. In this state Aigis’s overall offensive capabilities are increased, alongside removing any negative status effects. However while in this state Aigis loses some control and needs a cool down phase once she overheats.

Extreme Orgia Mode

An even more boosted version of the normal Orgia Mode, Aigis removes all of her limiters to boost her capabilities even more. Not only is her strength and speed increased to their max, but she gains passive healing properties that make her even harder to put down.


Strength/Attack Potency

Lower End

Higher End


Lower End

  • Can dodge and react to the aforementioned meteors

  • Comparable to Ahkihiko who can move fast enough to ablate 

  • As fast as Jubei, who’s Persona can reach orbit in a short timeframe

  • Can react to Nyx Avatar’s attacks, who’s aforementioned beam reached Nyx’s body (which is the moon) in seconds.

Higher End


Lower End

High End

  • Survived hits from Emil, the final boss of PQ2

  • Kagututuchi was stated to have world ending capabilities (also as a bonus it’s very likely this is the same Hi-No Kagautsuchi from the mainline SMT games given Izami and Nyx’s statuses as regular demons and not shadows)

  • Pretty much all the feats from AP go here WTF did you expect


Aigis runs on limited SP and HP in order to properly cast her spells, meaning if she must have a steady supply in order to perform her spells. As mentioned above, Orgia mode forces Aigis into a cooldown state, with EX Orgia Mode driving her into an even longer phase of cooldown with even less control than she had with normal Orgia Mode. She and SEES at this have also failed to get Minato out of the eternal door because Atlus really hates Minato.


“Don’t worry…. I’ll always be by your side. Protecting you.”


  • Is a very versatile fighter overall. Tons of methods of attack and defense thanks to the Wild Card abilities and weaponry at her disposal.

  • Heart Items can give her strong resistances to various ailments and attacks.

  • Both Orgia and EX Orgia are great boosters in battle.

  • Has ways to compensate for her weaknesses.

  • Did not end up in the Eternal Door.


  • Orgia and EX Orgia mode put her in a vulnerable state.

  • Less control in those said modes

  • Needs a steady supply of HP and SP to perform spells.

  • Limited Ammo for bullet techniques.

  • A broken Persona limits some of Aigis’s capabilities. 

Possible Opponents

Noel Vermillion

I’m sure a billion of you have heard of this idea by now and well..yeah it does work lol. You could make some neat stuff happen with Mu-12 vs Orgia Mode and it’d be nice to see some those sick sprites from ASW without any noticeable clash. 

Ramlethal Valentine

I’ve actually begun to really dig this idea for Aigis the more I think about it. Both are life forms created by a higher power (Kirijo Group and Concalve+Ariels) for a specific job. They both initially believe in only fulfilling their purpose and suppress the shit out of their emotions in order to achieve said purpose. Overtime they begin to learn about the beauty of emotions and by the end of their journeys dedicate themselves to protecting others and even going on a rescue mission for those close to them (Elphelt for Ramlethal and Minato for Aigis albeit the mission is technically still ongoing cause Atlus). Depending on my mood I might make a Part 2 to this just to discuss this MU idea further as an actual fight. Given Rammy’s return in Strive it’ll be interesting to see what she could bring to the table in the coming future.

And that’s all folks. Thanks for reading. Next time will be something animoo related so here’s a hint.


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