Void Dark vs Jedah Dohma

For clarification’s sake

Given how Darkstalkers has a fair amount of media (which is odd for a series with only three real games) I should clarify what I’ll be using for Jedah. In this case I’ll be using the main games and the manga for some supporting feats. The UDON comics will be used very sparingly as Darkstalkers in the comics are part of the UDON SF universe and branch off much harder than both the games and manga. The OVA won’t be used given that Jedah doesn’t well...show up. As for Void I will stick with the main and post game for D5. The DLC scenarios canocity wise are a liiiiitttle ambiguous and it’ll be safer to stick with what is within D5. I also will be focusing on the “Fist” Skill tree for Void as he tends to fight bare handed for a majority of the game.


Void Dark

The second son of the Legendary Demon Fist Goldion, Void Dark, simply known as Void beforehand, lived with his father and older sister Liezerota whom he developed quite the complex for. His life would be thrown into disarray when Goldion brought home the legendary Tyrant Overlord Killidia (more commonly known as Killia) and declared to teach him the Ultimate Demon Technique that Void was originally the sole inheritor of. His disgruntled feelings towards Killia would only worsen as he began to spend time with his sister, which came to a climax when Killia and Lieze left for Killia’s homeworld Cryo Blood. Chasing the two down, Void would clash with Killia and beat him, taking his Overload ability in the process. Just as the finishing blow was about to be dealt, Liezerota would jump in the middle of the conflict, causing her death at the hands of Void. Stricken with grief, Void would use Killia’s stolen skill Alma Ice Sculpture to freeze time around Liezerota’s body, and begin establishing his empire in hopes of gathering enough energy throughout the Netherworlds to revive her, and rule the universe together in his perfect Utopia. 

After his defeat at the hands of the rebel forces, he would return to amend for his crimes by helping rebuild the various Netherworlds in turmoil as a result of his treachery. 

Jedah Dohma

The youngest of the 3 Makai Nobles, Jedah feared the demon realm would enter a state of decay and disorder as long as Belial was in charge. Once Belial (along with the other Makai noble Galan) passed away Jedah saw this as an opportunity to seize power and control over and talked to his advisor Ozom. Ozom would suggest the idea to absorb the souls found within the gates of Makai. Unknown to Jedah, Ozom was aware of the immense power that was contained within the gate, which would promptly kill Jedah and give Ozom the title of “Emperor Ozam” for 100 years. Jedah would eventually revive himself and return to Makai to bare witness to the chaos and disarray he feared. Believing the only option was a cleansing of souls, he returned to Ozom and transformed his soul into the foundation of what would become the Majigen. This realm would house Jedah’s ultimate creation: The Shintai. A fetus created to contain all of the souls in Makai, thus kickstarting Jedah’s grand plan to salvation.


Void Dark


With his dark magic, Void can conjure multiple spears to use in battle. He can imbue these said Spears with dark energy to make them even stronger than usual. 



By detaching his wings, Jedah can form a scythe that he can use to cut and slice his opponents with (as scythes fucking do). He can also use his wings a drill like state and turn himself into a pinwheel. He can also create miniature scythe projectiles via blood manipulation. 


Void Dark

Being trained by Goldion himself as well as developing several techniques over the years, Void has developed a slew of powers and abilities to rightfully classify himself as the Demon Emperor of D5.



Triple Strike: An overhead strike that sends the opponent a few spaces back.

Phantom Blow: Void can move fast enough to hit his opponents both in front and on their sides.

Purgatory Palm: Creates a pattern of punches that can hit opponents from afar. 

Rising Domination: Sends the opponent fucking flying in grace.

Big Bang: Creates a black hole that generates a….big bang.

No Way Out: This really has no proper description so let the video speak for itself.

Macrocosm: The Ultimate Demon Technique. After getting rid of his evil heart Void was able to master the Ultimate Skill: Macrocosm. Its effects are superior to that of the Final Skill: Avidia Holy Water, which can wipe away brainwashing. (Note Goldion is simply pretending to be brainwashed here. He confirms later that the skill did in fact cure him of it.)

Unique Skills

Energy Break: Void summons spears and stabs the opponent, filling them with energy before until they explode.

Ruin Burst: Void calls a maid to give him a spear, to which he charges and launches at the opponent, causing an explosion.

Azathoth: Void pulls his opponents to the moon, to which he summons a Drill to plow into the moon, causing an explosion (you seeing a pattern here) 

Overload Skills

These abilities are Void’s ace in the hole that can change the tide of battle. His natural Overload skill Brigante Eclipse has allowed him to steal Overload skills from other overlords. 

Alma Ice Sculpture: Stolen from Killia, Alma Ice Scuplture allows Void to stop time in around the opponent, halting attacks and being able to prevent the opponent from moving for one “turn”.  Although it takes an enormous amount of energy to permanently stop time its stated by Christo that the absorption ability would’ve given him the power to do this. 

Devouring Kris: Void with this skill can absorb energy, particularly by imbuing his spears with power and draining it from his victims. 

Masterma’s Hand: This skill increases Void’s damage output by 10%.

Tortuous Apathy: This skill inflicts the status effect of “weaken” on all enemies, severely depowering all of their abilities

Note: Void did originally have Broken Faith Magia which revived people as corpses. He no longer has this after giving it to Killa.


These are special abilities that Void doesn’t have to consciously think about to activate. 

Magic Enhancement: Increases all of his stats by 5%.

Violence: Stats are increased by 50% but he only gets half the EXP.

Death Glare: Paralyzes the enemy at the end of a turn. 

Loner Power: Increases stats by 50% when there are no allies on the map.

Plunder Power: Absorb 5% of a defeated  opponent's stats. 


Dark/Evil Aura: As shown in the gif above his aura radiates evil energy, which can cause all sorts of phenomenon. Christo himself stated he had never seen anything so evil beforehand.

Brainwashing: Through some unknown method Void can brainwash people into working for him. 

Energy Balls: Can create generic style energy balls that can seemingly vacuum others into its pull.

Teleportation: Can teleport himself and others.

Unnamed Beam Punch: Exactly what it says 


Being a Makai Noble, Jedah is one of the most powerful and versatile beings in the Darkstalkers universe, with a variety of powers to take advantage of.

Blood Manipulation

Jedah has shown a wide variety of abilities that involve utilizing his blood for various attacks and tricks. 

Nero Fatica: Jedah traps his opponent within a bubble of blood to which he proceeds to cut with his scythe.

San Passare: Jedah grabs the opponent and pumps them full of blood until they explode (you’ve seen the Lilith image at some point)

Finale Rosso: Jedah summons a pool of hands constructed of blood to drag his opponents into a sea of blood where they are further damaged.

Provia Di Servo: Jedah summons a giant hand of blood to smash his opponents to a giant contract, essentially forcing them to give up their soul to him.

Other: Jedah has various unamed abilities that involve utilizing his blood for various attacks.

Soul Manipulation

Jedah is quite fond of souls, often absorbing them (seemingly millions) in order to prepare them for the awakening of the Shintai. He can transmute souls and turn them into entire dimensions as seen with Ozom’s fate, and force his opponent to give up their souls to him via Provia Di Servo. He even turned a disembodied soul into a physical being by the name of Lilith


Regeneration: As seen in the gif above Jedah can regenerate parts of his body, even going as far as to cut off his own head as a method of counterattacking and being able to regrow a new one with zero effort.

Flight: Given has well...wings, Jedah can fly and zoom by his opponents.

Telepathy: Jedah seemingly has some form of telepathy, as he was able to communicate with Anarkis to convince him to enter his Majigen, despite Anarkis being an entity 5000 years in the past.

Telekinesis: In the manga, Jedah was able to send blood to the moon and cover it, while altering its rotation despite being in another dimension at the time.



Void Dark


  • According to Etna, most demons can destroy the stars in sight.

  • As seen in the gif above, destroyed an entire Netherworld with little effort. Said explosion caused an earthquake that according to Red Magnus shook the entire universe (granted this is coming from Red Magnus who can be kinda hyperbolic but the Netherworld they are currently at is not anywhere close to where Void is and no one seems to know where the explosion came from.)

  • Can perform the Big Bang skill.

  • Stronger than regular demons who can destroy and absorb galaxies.

  • Leizerota, powered by the energy Void had been absorbing with his spears, performs this feat, which kinda speaks for itself. 

  • Can defeat demons who reside in the Carnage Dimension. Even a regular demon in this dimension was considered by Killa to be the strongest demon he had fought before the cast trained up.  


  • Even the fodder Prinny can fly to the sun in a few seconds

  • As shown in the gif above, can throw spears from orbit to Earth in a few seconds.

  • Faster than Archers who can leave a galaxy in a second

  • Liezerota’s Wormhole skill which can do this (characters can dodge the explosion to boot)

  • Void’s spears could travel to multiple Netherworlds in seconds (sadly no distance is given)

  • Insert Big Bang skill here (you’ve seen it enough by now)

  • Faster than the Flora Beast’s attacks


  • Survived the Ultimate Skill, Macrocosm as seen in the gif above.

  • Can survive attacks such as Omega Star

  • More durable than Goldion who blocked a laser intended to defeat Overlord to Majin class demons. 

  • Took hits from Demons in the Carnage Dimension. To emphasize the Carnage Dimension more, Goldion (AKA the legendary demon fist who served as Void’s #2) was considered the weakest demon until he trained there. 



  • His status as a S class should make him stronger than lower class demons like Anarkis who can sink pyramids.

  • As mentioned above, could send enough blood to the moon to cover it with his Telekinesis in the manga.

  • In the gif above, Jedah destroys Makai, which is hundreds of times the landmass of Earth.

  • Comparable to Demetri who absorbed Pyron. While this was in his mortal form and not his true galaxy size, it should be comparable to when Pyron showcased his ability to shrinks planets and make them orbit around him.

  • Jedah as we know created the Majigen, which houses moons, stars, and even constellations, which even the smallest stretches out 13,000 light years


  • Should be faster than Darkstalkers that can react to BB Hood’s weaponry like consists of items such as a semi automatic pistol, or rocket launcher

  • Faster than Huitzil, who are made for interplanetary travel by Pyron’s wishes.

  • The blood he carried to the moon took approximately only a single night, or around 8 hours.

  • Comparable to post Pyron-Demetri. Pyron was able to travel across the universe in around 3 years time. 


  • Stronger than BB Hood who 

  • Can casually cut and slice himself with little to know pain (those red marks on his clothes are actually self inflicted wounds.

  • More durable than Hutizil’s who caused the Chixclub impact (100 teratons worth)

  • Compaable to Pyron Demetri (for the third time.) Pyron has boasted that he can crush stars which given his planet shrinking feat isn’t too unlikely.

  • The image above displays him blocking attacks from the UDON Darkstalkers and SF cast.


Void Dark

(Credit to Elman on DA for the image)

Void is……..kinda crazy. While he’s mellowed out in the post game he often makes very rash decisions out of a weird sense of sadism that only serves to ruin his plans. He’s also arrogant to a fault and will end up making poor choices that end up biting him in the ass later, such as not killing Killa and crew when they had yet to unlock their hidden potential. He’s also really obsessed with his sister and death was the cause of the entire plot of D5 purely because he couldn’t stand losing her.


Like Void, Jedah can be extremely arrogant. His delusions of grandeur often make him underestimate his opponent and his own capabilities, as seen with his first death at the hands of Ozom (though Ozom was a class A manipulator). Absorbing large amounts of souls or energy also can be extremely detrimental to him.


Void Dark

"Hmhmhm... Powerless and unintelligent Overlords...why don't you all come at me? I'll take you all down on my way to killing Killia."


  • Void has the stat trinity by a good margin which is boosted further by stat buffs via evilities.

  • Alma Ice Sculpture and Absorption are strong win con abilities. Paralyzation is also useful.

  • Tortuous Apathy can increase the Stat Gap.

  • Bigger AOE thanks to skills like Big Bang.

  • Better fighter overall


  • Less experienced

  • No counter to losing his soul

  • Not as smart as Jedah

  • Christopher Niosi


“Hypocrite? Hardly. Enlightened beings such as myself realize that there are no such things as good or evil.”


  • Soul Transmutation and Prova=di=Servo are solid win cons if he can pull them off

  • More experienced

  • Unorthodox abilities that Void has no experience with sans basic ones like flight

  • More intelligent and not as crazy


  • Loses the stat trinity handily.

  • No counter to abilities like Alma Ice Sculpture or energy absorption.

  •  Less AOE

  • Stat debuffs make the trinity disadvantage worse

  • Inferior fighter

  • MVCI remix of Fetus of God


So if you couldn’t tell by the summary section…..yeah Void has this pretty handily. By just comparing stats alone Jedah’s Majigen creation while impressive, pales compared to the plenty of galaxy and universe destruction feats D5 has in its corner that Void scales to. It’s even more noticeable thanks to Void’s evilities which only amplify his stats, furthering the gap. The abilities that both possess are potent, but nothing Jedah has lines up to abilities like Alma Ice Sculpture, which gives Void a timestop at the minimum for a couple seconds, and at max for as long as he pleases. Devouring Kris allows him to just absorb Jedah’s energy completely and Torturous Apathy makes the stat gap even worse by severely weakening Jedah’s overall abilities. The sheer area these powers cover makes it impossible for Jedah to escape getting hit by them. Jedah’s best shot is to transmute Void’s soul like he did Ozom, which is unlikely as a scenario.

Doesn’t Pyron have a Quadrillion C feat that Jedah would scale to?

To those wondering the feat in question is here where Pyron travels from Earth to his planet Hellstorm in around ⅓’d of a second. Hellstorm is seemingly many light years away (reportedly 200 million light years) and Pyron got there in the said time frame in his mortal form. With that being said this feat is very suspect for a lot of reasons. For one the distance is based on the idea that Pyron was traveling in a straight line from Hellstorm without stopping to assimilate any of the planets he was visiting. Secondly it's hard to take the idea of Pyron immediately arriving at Hellstorm the moment the text comes up seriously. It tells us the destination but nothing implies he made it there the second the text pops up. He could very well still be traveling or hell just teleport there given that’s one of his main abilities. Even if this was legitimate Disgaea’s speed feats would out do this one by a good margin anyways. 

Isn’t Jedah’s regen really broken? 

To be blunt, no. The big thing often brought up is this screenshot which implies Jedah can just regen even after his soul is scattered across dimensions. This comes apart when you read it and realize this is referring to the time gap between him being destroyed 100 years ago and his resurrection in the present day, no one of which implies Jedah can just insta regen from his soul being sent flying everywhere. Unless you want to claim Jedah was sitting on his ass for 100 years and didn’t attempt to resurrect himself at all there’s nothing going for him being able to regenerate at a level like that. 

I should also point out this quote about him always coming back is very likely referring to his ability to resurrect and not regenerating from non existence. 

Doesn’t Jedah have insane soul hax?

Kind ofish? Its true he’s done some pretty ridiculous stuff with his soul hax, like the Majigen and making Lilith out of it, but nothing really displays him having the ability to just rip your soul out casually without the usage of his contract super. He’s mostly been shown to absorb souls that are displaced from their body or when the user isn’t conscious. The aforementioned transmutation of Ozom’s soul is notably good, but Jedah hasn’t used this ability in combat so I doubt it's likely he’ll whip it out in most combat scenarios.

Doesn’t Disgaea have some Multiverse feats?

The two big ones often brought up are Pram “overpowering the cosmos” and Alexander wiping out the Multiverse after Zetta passed. The former is bleh cause the quotes make it clear Pram is referring to things like fate and destiny rather than the physical multiverse being overpowered. The Alexander feat was not only clearly overtime but seemed more like referring to destruction of life rather than blowing up a bunch of universes. The only multiverse feat off the top of my head is in the bad ending in D3 where Mao destroys the Human, Demon, and Angel Worlds, which wouldn’t scale to anyone in D5 given its status as a prequel and the DLC episodes being iffy canoncity wise.

With all that being said Void Dark is the winner of this battle. No funny pun fuck you. 

Thanks for reading. Let me know how you feel about the MU and the quality of the blog. It's a first for me so I’m curious to see how this goes down. 




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