Luigi vs Tails: What Went Wrong

I know its been a long time since this episode came out, but with Amy vs Ramona Flowers coming out, I thought it would be OK to talk about the faults of a previous Sonic fight: Luigi vs Tails. I feel like its a good time to cover the faults of this episode and to why I believe Luigi should have rightfully won.

Why Tails Won

To start off, I would like to adress some of the points brung up as to why Tails won in the DB, and adress them one by one. Let's begin with the first arguement.

Wiz: While Luigi technically has more combat experience, and has survived being Nintendo's whipping boy, Tails' skills and arsenal was more than the green capped plumber can handle.

Its actually the other way around when it comes to equipment and skills. Any projectile Tails has on him, Luigi can just counter with the hammer, which has shown to reflect energy based projectiles:
The items like the Sheild and Heli Bots, or the projectile ring can be countered with Luigi's Poltergust, which has shown the ability to suck in objects like gold coins:
The explosives Tails has are not the most useful. Nothing is stopping Luigi from just running away, or knocking the bomb back. Luigi may be a coward, but cowardice doesn't equal a lack of common sense. Further more its unlikely that Luigi will be hurt by the bombs considering he has tanked multiple explosions without any effort:
Also I might add that "technically more combat experience" is only half-right. Considering that in M&L Partners in Time the bros interacted with their past selves, who went through all the events in said game, Luigi has more experience by a mile.
Boomstick: His training with Sonic makes him faster and his superior mobility gave him complete control over the battlefield.

I would contest Tails being faster. Luigi has kept up with Bowser's airships, which can fly into space in seconds: This comes out to Massively Hypersonic

If we want to dive even further, Mario Party gives the crew even more insane feats.
For example, Luigi can outrun a black hole which is FTL by default:

With all of this, Luigi is the faster of the two. Any attempt to scale to Sonic for Tails is a flawed arguement, which wouldn't even help if it was legitamite. 

Wiz: Also, he has an outrageous I.Q. of 300, which is about as much as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkingcombined.

Completely irrelevant in a combat setting. There is a difference between being book smart, and combat smart. For example I'm pretty sure a doctor with a PHD is going stomp a knight in a math battle. However, throwing these two in a gladiator match, I'm pretty sure the knight can figure out a way to beat the tar out of the PHD doctor. Even if Tails could come up with plans on the fly, he's still inferior in every stat, and can't even hurt Luigi, let touch him ironically.

Boomstick: Hell, Tails is stronger too. He can move 10 tons, while Luigi struggles to lift a large radish.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
1. That entire game was a dream. 

2. Luigi can perform the same castle punt that Mario can in Super Mario World:
3. Are we to seriously going to believe that Luigi struggling to lift a radish downplays any of his fucking strength feats. Its like saying Goku got hurt by a hit which caused a small crater, therefore he loses all of his big stats.
4.The strength of the Tails pulling the 10 tons takes less strength
Wiz: And Tails' gadgets more than make up for any of his weaknesses.
This point is never elaborated on. Does it help Tails do any significant damage to Luigi? Does it give him a leg up in durability? Tails could have the best healing bot in the universe, but if Luigi can still kill him with a punch its not going to help him in the slightest.

Additional Points

There is also a couple of things I want to touch on that were made in the video. The first thing is the feat from Tails in Archie, which has Tails save the multiverse by going into this state:
This feat is only accomplished by combining multiple versions of Tails. Its not something he can do on his own.

Death Battle also failed to mention some of the armor Luigi has on him in the M&L games. In said series, Luigi can swap out multiple pieces of clothing which can have different affects on him:
Badges were also not taken into consideration, which also add special affects to the Luigi:

To bring up Mario Party again, Bowser does this, which is clearly sucking in planets:
Luigi should safely scale considering he can beat Bowser on a daily basis.

They also bring in feats from Paper Mario and SMG2. These two in particular:
Wiz: Even without it, Luigi has defeated Dimentio, discovered the Grand Final Galaxy...

If we are taking feats from Galaxy and Paper Mario (remember, Paper Jam wasn't a thing.) then Luigi gets major buffs that completely turn a stomp, into a godstomp, particularly because of Paper Mario.

In the game, its noted that Luigi was the chosen host for the Chaos Heart:

This power allows Luigi to destroy dimensions in a snap. Now Luigi is a good guy and isn't a jackass going around doing shit like that, but to get an idea of how powerful that is, Luigi gains a buff to multiverse level. To support this Super Paper Mario has two worlds known as The Underwhere and The Overthere, which is basically the Mario version of Hell and Heaven. They even make references to Greek Mythology like "The River of Twygz" which is a play on The River of Styx. In mythology Heaven and Hell exist beyond our world, (being said to exist beyond the cosmos, which is our universe.) and qualify as universes in their own right (being known as another plane of existence, which also references our universe.) So if you can make that out, the dimensions in Super Paper Mario are universes in which Luigi had the power to destroy. In other words, a composite Luigi is the strongest character in Death Battle.

What Has Changed

This DB was released during 2014, in which case Luigi and Tails have gone on more journies, and learned different things. Three things to take from future events.
  • Paper Jam has come out and confirmed that Paper Mario is a completely different universe, so feats performed by said characters are limited to the Paper Mario world and not Mario & Luigi all together.
  • Archie has been retconned so all feats for Archie should be noted on the specific era.
  • Sonic Boom has released and has given Tails a new spin. His fear of lightning is now back, he's more of a punching bag, and his inventions tend to go hawire.

Arguements for Tails

Tails is smart! He'll think of a way to beat him!
Tails has yet to show anything that makes him able to think on the fly. Even if he could do that, he's still inferior in every way.

Luigi is a coward!
Cowardice doesn't equal a lack of common sense. Luigi has thrown away some of his fears in order to save those he loves and wants to protect. If Luigi sees a bomb, he's not going to pick it with a stick.

Tails can speedblitz!
Tails doesn't scale to Sonic due to having nothing to prove he can keep up with a serious/no holds barred Sonic. Luigi has simply shown better feats of his speed which eclispe any of Tails's feats. Even if by some miracle he was faster, he's still can't hurt Luigi or tank his attacks. Thanos isn't catching up with Flash, but he can easily one-shot him.

Paper Mario + Mario Party aren't canon!
There is no such thing as "canon" in Mario. Miyamoto calls the cast a group of actor playing diferent roles. There is a reason why one moment Mario and Bowser are duking it out, but then next moment they are go-karting together. Any feat goes for Mario with the obvious exception of Mario Kart.

Final Points

To sum why Luigi wins:
  • Stronger
  • More Durable
  • Is ironically faster due to Airship Feats.
  • Has more counters to Tails's weapons.
  • More experience
  • Allowing Paper Mario gives Luigi god tier stats compared Tails.

All in all, I rightfully believe that Luigi should have been the winner of this Death Battle. The Year of Luigi lives on!


  1. The depressing thing about these blogs is that no matter how good your argument is, you're not really going to convince anyone. You might solidify beliefs of those who were on the fence (like me) or already believed that Luigi wins, but Ben, Chad, and 99% of Death Battle's viewerbase? No way no how.

  2. I know. Casuals won't learn...
    But those who will learn to listen...
    Just maybe.

    1. Too bad Death Battle is still using Archie feats in their Sonic videos.

  3. Power>Intelligence


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