Aigis Analysis
A quick heads up For this I’ll just be using the games as the prime material and all. This means anything within the Persona main series is fair game (Including Q and Q2). Anything like the anime and manga will be used for pretty decorations and stuff. I'll also be splitting the feats section into "Low End" and "High End" this time, as I know not everyone is down with everything Persona related. Also I know this isn’t the first Aigis blog ever. I'm mostly just doing this for fun and adding some of my own twists to it. Anywho BABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABY YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Background Aigis was created by the famous Kirijo Group as the final 7th generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon. These androids were designed with the purpose of wielding a Persona and destroying shadows, with their human-like appearances being modeled for the job (mostly just for gaining Persona access but hey.) Ten years prior to the events of Persona 3 Aigis was tasked with defeating ...