
Showing posts from 2016

Luigi vs Tails: What Went Wrong

I know its been a long time since this episode came out, but with Amy vs Ramona Flowers coming out, I thought it would be OK to talk about the faults of a previous Sonic fight: Luigi vs Tails. I feel like its a good time to cover the faults of this episode and to why I believe Luigi should have rightfully won. Why Tails Won To start off, I would like to adress some of the points brung up as to why Tails won in the DB, and adress them one by one. Let's begin with the first arguement. Wiz: While Luigi technically has more combat experience, and has survived being Nintendo's whipping boy, Tails' skills and arsenal was more than the green capped plumber can handle. Its actually the other way around when it comes to equipment and skills. Any projectile Tails has on him, Luigi can just counter with the hammer, which has shown to reflect energy based projectiles : The items like the Sheild and Heli Bots, or the projectile ring...