Yukari Yakumo vs Tsurbami Senri
Yukari Yakumo Ah the dull… The dull go through so much trouble don’t they? A quick note While this isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things, because some feats will come up from it I should address the “canon status” of PC-98. While its events are not important to modern Touhou, it has been noted that the settings between PC-98 and Windows are the same . It’s also been noted that the characters from PC-98 are still around and have simply “retired” . At worst Windows lore takes priority over PC-98 lore but beyond that there’s no reason to separate the two eras. Backstory Apart from being one of the sages who existed prior to Gensokyo and her longtime friendships with Yuyuko Saigyouji, Yukari’s origins are a relative mystery. Even her name is something that she likely gave herself, with her full name being defined as “ A strong fortress to keep the gods trapped inside.” What can be safely said is Yukari’s presence would bring about many actions that paved the ...