Rex (Xenoblade): Analysis
Before we begin… Because I actually want people to read this blog and for other outside reasons Xenoblade 3 will be absent from this analysis and this will mostly focus on Xenoblade 2 and anything from Xenoblade 1 that connects to it. I also will not be including any potential content from Challenge Battle or any of the post game Blades given their status within the games narrative contradicts notable aspects of the plot. Some Terminology Blade Specials- Special moves that a blade can perform Blade Arts- Skills that can boost performance of a Blade Blade Skills- The same shit Ether- The main source of a Blades ability Aegis- Occasionally I might refer to Pyra and Mythra together as just "Aegis" rather than just saying "Pyra and Mythra." Torna Mythra Terminology that exists solely for her Vanguard Arts- Special skills that a Driver can perform. Rear Guard Arts- Special skills that a Blade can perform Torna Specials- Special moves Mythra did in Torna Background An e...